Int. No. 1189
By Council Members Garodnick and Mendez
A Local Law in relation to a pilot program for the use of beacon navigation technology.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. a. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Beacon. The term “beacon” means a hardware transmitter broadcasting a low energy identifier signal to nearby electronic devices.
Beacon navigation. The term “beacon navigation” means the use of a network of beacons to micro-locate an electronic device equipped with receiving software, for the purposes of providing navigation assistance within the beacon network area to the operator of the electronic device. Such navigation assistance may be in an audio or visual form, or both.
b. No later than January 1, 2017, the director of the office of operations, in consultation with the commissioner of information technology and telecommunications and the director of the mayor’s office for people with disabilities, shall establish a one-year pilot program for the use of beacon navigation technology in no fewer than twenty locations, including five indoor locations and five outdoor locations. After consulting with experts in navigational accommodations for people with disabilities, locations for the pilot program shall be selected based on the capability of the location to support beacon infrastructure, the number of persons transiting the location daily and the difficulty that persons with disabilities may have in navigating the location. Each indoor location shall utilize a sufficient number of beacons to cover the entire portion of such location open to the public. Each outdoor location shall utilize a sufficient number of beacons to cover a three square block area. The director of the office of operations shall determine the form of the navigation assistance to be used in each location, provided that any indoor locations include an audio navigation assistance form. The director of the office of operations shall also develop and post online a beacon navigation technology privacy protection and data stewardship policy prior to the establishment of such pilot program.
c. Within six months after the conclusion of the pilot program required by subdivision b of this local law, the director of the office of operations shall submit a report to the mayor and the speaker of the council assessing the efficacy of such pilot program including, but not limited to, the following:
1. a description of the locations selected for the pilot program;
2. a description of the pilot program’s results;
3. an estimate of the installation, maintenance and operational costs of a permanent program; and
4. recommendations on whether and how the technology could best be utilized in a permanent program.
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately.
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3/23/16 5:10PM