Application No. C 160140 ZSQ submitted by the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter for the grant of a special permit pursuant to Section 74-52 of the Zoning Resolution to allow an attended public parking garage with a maximum capacity of 229 spaces on a portion of the ground floor and cellar level of a proposed mixed use development on property located at 133-45 41st Avenue (Block 5037, Lots 64 & 65), in a C4-5X District, Borough of Queens, Community Board 7, Council District 20. This application is subject to review and action by the Land Use Committee only if appealed to the Council pursuant to Charter Section 197-d(b)(2) or called up by vote of the Council pursuant to Charter Section 197-d(b)(3).