Res. No. 696
Resolution calling on the New York City Economic Development Corporation to establish a centralized veterans-exclusive incubator in the City.
By Council Members Ulrich, Cabrera, Constantinides, Cumbo, Johnson, Rose, Gentile and Rosenthal
Whereas, The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) estimates that New York City is home to roughly 200,000 veterans; and
Whereas, As the United States (U.S.) de-escalates military operations abroad and reduces the size of the active duty military, greater numbers of service members will return home to New York City in the coming months and years; and
Whereas, Veterans have given years of their lives to serve our country that would have been otherwise spent establishing careers or starting businesses, putting them at a great disadvantage; and
Whereas, Veterans face many unique challenges as they transition back into civilian life and thus have needs that are significantly different from non-veteran incubator candidates; and
Whereas, The New York City Economic Development Corporation’s (NYCEDC) mission is to encourage economic growth throughout the five boroughs of New York City by strengthening the City's competitive position and facilitating investments that build capacity, create jobs, generate economic opportunity and improve quality of life; and
Whereas, NYCEDC has fostered an incubator and co-working space network that provides low-cost space, business services, training, and networking opportunities to hundreds of startups and small businesses across a variety of sectors; and
Whereas, Veterans endure arduous and demanding training throughout their military careers and develop a wide range of skill sets that makes them an asset to the city’s economy and; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls on the New York City Economic Development Corporation to establish a centralized veterans-exclusive incubator in the City.
LS 4621