Int. No. 760
By Council Members Crowley and Mealy
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the department of education associate degree programs.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. The administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new chapter 6 to title 21-A to read as follows:
Chapter 6. Associate Degree Programs
§ 21-956 Associate degree program data.
a. Not later than November 1, 2015, and no later than November 1st annually thereafter, the chancellor shall prepare and submit to the speaker of the council and post on the department's website data on associate degree programs offered at New York city public high schools. Such report shall include, but not be limited to, the names of high schools that offer associate degree programs, the associate degrees offered and the criteria used by the department to determine which high schools will offer associate degree programs. The data shall be disaggregated by borough, community board, community school district, council district, and length of program.
b. No information that is otherwise required to be reported pursuant to this section shall be reported in a manner that would violate any applicable provision of federal, state, or local law relating to the privacy of student information or that would interfere with law enforcement investigations or otherwise conflict with the interest of law enforcement. If the category contains between 0 and 9 students, or allows another category to be narrowed to be between 0 and 9 students, the number shall be replaced with a symbol.
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately upon enactment.