Res. No. 465
Resolution urging the CUNY Board of Trustees to adopt the SUNY Board of Trustees resolution regarding sexual assault prevention and response.
By Council Members Rosenthal, Chin, Crowley, Gentile, Johnson, Levine, Mendez, Rose and Barron
Whereas, On October 2, 2014, the Board of Trustees at the State University of New York (SUNY) passed a resolution to establish a set of policies that will be adopted by all 64 SUNY campuses regarding sexual assault prevention and response; and
Whereas, According to SUNY’s website, “The resolution includes implementing a uniform, system-wide definition of consent that is required between participants before engaging in sexual activity; an immunity policy to protect students coming forward to report sexual assault; a statewide training program for campus police and administrators regarding how to address sexual assault incidents; a public campaign to increase awareness among students and parents; and a uniform Sexual Assault Victims' Bill of Rights that will, in clear and specific language, inform a student of his or her rights following an attack including the option of approaching State Police;” and
Whereas, According to SUNY’s website, “[the] SUNY resolution is the first in a series of steps outlined by the Governor to combat sexual assault on college campuses”; and
Whereas, On November 24, 2014, the City University of New York’s (CUNY) Board of Trustees will vote to enact a new sexual assault policy that would include uniform standards and definitions, according to the New York Amsterdam News; and
Whereas, It would be advantageous for CUNY to adopt a resolution on sexual assault policy similar to SUNY’s which would also establish uniformity in both systems; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York urges the CUNY Board of Trustees to adopt the SUNY Board of Trustees resolution regarding sexual assault prevention and response.
LS #3006