Application No. C 140323(A) ZSQ an application submitted by 2030 Astoria Developers, LLC pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter for special permits pursuant to Zoning Resolution: (i) Section 74-743(a)(1) to allow distribution of floor area without regard for zoning lot lines; (ii) Section 74-743(a)(2) to modify requirements of Section 23-711 (Standard minimum distance between buildings), Section 23-47 (Minimum required rear yards), and Section 23-85 (Inner court regulations); and (iii) Section 74-743(a)(6) to modify requirements of Section 23-86 (Minimum distance between legally required windows and walls or lot lines), to facilitate a mixed-use large scale general development on the Halletts Point Peninsula, Borough of Queens, Community District 1, Council District 22. This application is subject to the review and action by the Land Use Committee only if appealed to the Council pursuant to 197-d(b)(2) of the Charter or called up by a vote of the Council pursu...