Res. No. 1804
Resolution calling on the New York State Legislature to pass and the Governor to sign A.3743/S.2372, which relates to the expansion of powers and duties of the office of community gardens.
By Council Members Levin, Chin, James and Mendez
Whereas, On January 16, 2013, A.3743/S.2372, an act to amend the Agriculture and Markets Law and the General Business Law, in relation to expanding the powers and duties of the office of community gardens, was introduced; and
Whereas, Community gardens provide significant health, educational, and social benefits to the neighborhoods in which they are located; and
Whereas, Community gardens encourage community dialogue and create a sense of belonging that promote harmony in this very diverse City; and
Whereas, Augmenting the authority of the office of community gardens will foster healthier lifestyles for individuals and their families by encouraging them to eat better and engage in physical activity; and
Whereas, Streamlining the community garden application process will ensure that all who are interested are not deterred by unnecessary administrative obstacles; and
Whereas, School gardens are just as important as community gardens to the neighborhoods they are located in; and
Whereas, This bill would foster better coordination between school gardens, farm to school programs and community gardeners; and
Whereas, This bill would also authorize the convening of a Community Gardens Taskforce which would strengthen the community gardens and allow their impact to be sustainable; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the New York State Legislature to pass and the Governor to sign A.3743/S.2372, which relates to the expansion of powers and duties of the office of community gardens.
LS# 4769