Resolution approving with modifications the decision of the City Planning Commission on Application No. N 120381 (A) ZRM, for an amendment of the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, to add Article VIII, Chapter 8, establishing the Special Hudson Square District in Community District 2, Borough of Manhattan and to modify related Sections, (L.U. No. 758).
By Council Members Comrie and Weprin
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission filed with the Council on January 25, 2013 its decision dated January 23, 2013 (the "Decision"), pursuant to Section 201 of the New York City Charter, regarding an application submitted by The Rector, Church-Wardens and Vestrymen of Trinity Church in the City of New York, to add Article VIII, Chapter 8, which in conjunction with its related zoning map amendment would facilitate the establishment of the Special Hudson Square District, (Application No. N 120381 (A) ZRM), Community District 2, Borough of Manhattan (the "Application");
WHEREAS, the Application is related to Application C 120380 ZMM (L.U. No. 757), an amendment to the Zoning Map, Section No. 12a, rezoning and mapping the Special Hudson Square District;
WHEREAS, the Decision is subject to review and action by the Council pursuant to Section 197-d(b)(1) of the City Charter;
WHEREAS, upon due notice, the Council held a public hearing on the Decision and Application on February 12, 2013;
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the land use implications and other policy issues relating to the Decision and Application; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the relevant environmental issues and the Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (“FGEIS”) for which a Notice of Completion was issued on January 11, 2013 and the Technical Memorandum dated March 18, 2013 (the “Technical Memorandum”) (CEQR No. 12DCP045M);
Having considered the FGEIS with respect to the Decision and Application, the Council finds that:
(1) The FGEIS meets the requirements of 6 N.Y.C.R.R. Part 617;
Consistent with social, economic, and other essential considerations, from among the reasonable alternatives thereto, the proposed actions adopted herein, as modified, are ones which minimize or avoid adverse environmental impacts to the maximum extent practicable; and
The adverse environmental impacts disclosed in the FGEIS and Technical Memorandum will be minimized or avoided to the maximum extent practicable by incorporating as conditions to the approval, those project components related to the environment and mitigation measures that were identified as practicable as set forth in the Restrictive Declaration dated as of March 20, 2013 as executed on March 18, 2013, by the Rector, Church-Wardens and Vestrymen of Trinity Church in the City of New York, with respect to the Subject Properties, as defined therein, and as further set forth in the letter dated March 13, 2013, by the New York City Department of Park and Recreation.
The Decision together with the FGEIS and Technical Memorandum constitute the written statement of facts, and of social, economic and other factors and standards that form the basis of the decision, pursuant to 6 N.Y.C.R.R. §617.11(d).
Pursuant to Sections 197-d and 200 of the City Charter and on the basis of the Decision and Application, and based on the environmental determination and consideration described in this report, N 120381 (A) ZRM, incorporated by reference herein, the Council approves the Decision.
The Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, effective as of December 15, 1961, and as subsequently amended, is further amended as follows:
Matter in underline is new, to be added;
Matter in strikeout is to be deleted;
Matter with # # is defined in Section 12-10;
Matter in bold double-underline is to be added by the City Council;
Matter in [brackets] is to be deleted by the City Council;
* * * indicates where unchanged text appears in the Zoning Resolution
Article 1
General Provisions
Chapter 1
Title, Establishment of Controls and Interpretation of Regulations
* * *
Establishment of Districts
* * *
Establishment of the Special Hillsides Preservation District
In order to carry out the special purposes of this Resolution as set forth in Article XI, Chapter 9, the #Special Hillsides Preservation District# is hereby established.
Establishment of the Special Hudson Square District
In order to carry out the special purposes of this Resolution as set forth in Article VIII, Chapter 8, the #Special Hudson Square District# is hereby established.
Establishment of the Special Hudson Yards District
In order to carry out the special purposes of this Resolution as set forth in Article IX, Chapter 3, the #Special Hudson Yards District# is hereby established.
* * *
Chapter 2
Construction of Language and Definitions
* * *
* * *
Special Hillsides Preservation District (2/2/11)
The "Special Hillsides Preservation District" is a Special Purpose District mapped in Staten Island designated by the letters "HS" in which special regulations set forth in Article XI, Chapter 9, apply.
Special Hudson Square District
The #Special Hudson Square District# is a Special Purpose District designated by the letters “HSQ”, in which special regulations set forth in Article VIII, Chapter 8, apply.
Special Hudson Yards District (2/2/11)
The "Special Hudson Yards District" is a Special Purpose District designated by the letters "HY" in which special regulations set forth in Article IX, Chapter 3, apply.
* * *
Article VII - Administration
* * *
Chapter 3 - Special Permits by the Board of Standards and Appeals
* * *
In C2, C3, C4*, C6-4**, M1-5A, M1-5B, M1-5M and M1-6M Districts, the Special Hudson Square District and the Special Tribeca Mixed Use District
In C2, C3, C4*, C6-4**, M1-5A, M1-5B, M1-5M and M1-6M Districts, the Special Hudson Square District and the #Special Tribeca Mixed Use District#, the Board of Standards and Appeals may permit eating or drinking establishments with entertainment and a capacity of more than 200 persons or establishments of any capacity with dancing, for a term not to exceed three years, provided that the following findings are made:
(a) that a minimum of four square feet of waiting area within the #zoning lot# shall be provided for each person permitted under the occupant capacity as determined by the New York City Building Code. The required waiting area shall be in an enclosed lobby and shall not include space occupied by stairs, corridors or restrooms. A plan shall be provided to the Board to ensure that the operation of the establishment will not result in the gathering of crowds or the formation of lines on the #street#;
(b) that the entrance to such #use# shall be a minimum of 100 feet from the nearest #Residence District# boundary;
(c) that such #use# will not cause undue vehicular or pedestrian congestion in local #streets#;
(d) that such #use# will not impair the character or the future use or development of the surrounding residential or mixed use neighborhoods;
(e) that such #use# will not cause the sound level in any affected conforming #residential use#, #joint living-work quarters for artists# or #loft dwelling# to exceed the limits set forth in any applicable provision of the New York City Noise Control Code; and
(f) that the application is made jointly by the owner of the #building# and the operators of such eating or drinking establishment.
The Board shall prescribe appropriate controls to minimize adverse effects on the character of the surrounding area, including, but not limited to, location of entrances and operable windows, provision of sound-lock vestibules, specification of acoustical insulation, maximum size of establishment, kinds of amplification of musical instruments or voices, shielding of flood lights, adequate screening, curb cuts or parking.
Any violation of the terms of a special permit may be grounds for its revocation.
* In C4 Districts where such #use# is within 100 feet from a #Residence District# boundary
** In C6-4 Districts mapped within that portion of Community District 5, Manhattan, bounded by West 22nd Street, a line 100 feet west of Fifth Avenue, a line midway between West 16th Street and West 17th Street, and a line 100 feet east of Sixth Avenue
* * *
Article VIII - Special Purpose Districts
* * *
Chapter 8
Special Hudson Square District
The Special Hudson Square District established in this Resolution is designed to promote and protect public health, safety and general welfare. These general goals include, among others, the following specific purposes:
(a) support the growth of a mixed residential, commercial and industrial neighborhood by permitting expansion and new development of residential, commercial and community facility uses while promoting the retention of commercial uses and light manufacturing uses;
(b) recognize and enhance the vitality and character of the neighborhood for workers and residents;
(c) encourage the development of buildings compatible with existing development;
(d) regulate conversion of buildings while preserving continued manufacturing or commercial use;
(e) encourage the development of affordable housing;
(f) promote the opportunity for workers to live in the vicinity of their work;
(g) retain jobs within New York City; and
(h) promote the most desirable use of land in accordance with a well-considered plan and thus conserve the value of land and buildings, and thereby protect City tax revenues.
Definitions specifically applicable to this Chapter are set forth in this Section. The definitions of other defined terms are set forth in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS).
Qualifying building
For the purposes of this Chapter, a “qualifying #building#” shall be any #building# that contained at least 70,000 square feet of #floor area# on (date of referral).
General Provisions
In harmony with the general purposes and intent of this Resolution and the general purposes of the #Special Hudson Square District#, the provisions of this Chapter shall apply within the #Special Hudson Square District#. The regulations of all other Chapters of this Resolution are applicable, except as superseded, supplemented or modified by the provisions of this Chapter. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Chapter and other regulations of this Resolution, the provisions of this Chapter shall control.
District Plan and Maps
The regulations of this Chapter are designed to implement the #Special Hudson Square District# Plan.
The District Plan includes the following map in the Appendix to this Chapter:
Map 1 Special Hudson Square District and Subdistrict
This map is hereby incorporated and made part of this Resolution for the purpose of specifying locations where the special regulations and requirements set forth in this Chapter apply.
In order to carry out the purposes and provisions of this Chapter, the following subdistrict is established:
Subdistrict A
The Subdistrict is specified on Map 1 (Special Hudson Square District and Subdistrict) in the Appendix to this Chapter.
Applicability of District Regulations
Applicability of Article I, Chapter 5
The conversion to #dwelling units# of non-#residential buildings# erected prior to January 1, 1977, or portions thereof, shall be permitted subject to Sections 15-11 (Bulk Regulations), 15-12 (Open Space Equivalent) and 15-30 (Minor Modifications), paragraph (b), except as superseded or modified by the provisions of this Chapter.
Applicability of district bulk regulations to certain enlargements
Notwithstanding any of the provisions of Section 11-33 (Building Permits for Minor or Major Development or Other Construction Issued Before Effective Date of Amendment), for the #enlargement# of a #building# which is the subject of Department of Buildings application number 121326742 filed on December 3, 2012, to create a single commercial development, such #enlarged building# shall not be subject to the height and setback regulations of Section 88-33, paragraph (b), and may continue, provided that a building permit has been issued for such commercial development within two years of (date of adoption). In addition, should the #zoning lot# which is the subject of the above-referenced Department of Buildings application merge with an adjacent #zoning lot# containing #wide street# frontage on Sixth Avenue, such a #zoning lot# merger and the subsequent combining of adjacent #buildings# shall not be deemed to create a new #non-compliance#, nor an increase in the degree of #non-compliance# in regards to Section 88-33, paragraph (b)(4), (Maximum length of street wall).
All permitted #uses# in the underlying districts, as set forth in Section 42-10 (USES PERMITTED AS-OF-RIGHT), shall comply with the provisions set forth in this Section, inclusive.
Residential Use
#Residential use# shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
(a) Residential use as-of-right
#Residential use# shall be permitted as-of-right on any #zoning lot# that, on (date of referral), was not occupied by a qualifying #building#. As a condition to receiving a building permit, such absence of a qualifying #building# on the #zoning lot# must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Department of Buildings.
(b) Residential use by certification
#Residential use# shall be permitted on a #zoning lot# that, on (date of referral), was occupied by one or more qualifying #buildings#, only upon certification by the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission that the #zoning lot#, as it existed on (date of referral), will contain at least the amount of non-#residential floor area# that existed within such qualifying #buildings# on the zoning lot on (date of referral), subject to the following:
(1) non-#residential floor area# that is preserved within existing non-qualifying #buildings# on the #zoning lot# through restrictive declaration may count toward meeting the requirements of this certification; and
(2) #floor area# from #community facility uses# with sleeping accommodations shall not count toward meeting the requirements of this certification.
However, non-#residential floor area# converted to #residential# vertical circulation space and lobby space need not be replaced as non-#residential floor area#.
A restrictive declaration acceptable to the Department of City Planning shall be executed and recorded, binding the owners, successors and assigns to maintain the amount of non-#residential floor area# that existed within such qualifying #buildings# on (date of referral) on the #zoning lot#. Such restrictive declaration shall be recorded in the Office of the City Register. A copy of such declaration shall be provided to the Department of Buildings upon application for any building permit related to a change in #use# from non-#residential# to #residential#, or for any #development# containing #residences#.
Community Facility Use
The #community facility use# regulations applicable in M1 Districts shall not apply in the #Special Hudson Square District#. In lieu thereof, all #community facility uses# listed in Use Groups 3 and 4 shall be permitted, except that #community facilities# with sleeping accommodations shall only be permitted in accordance with paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Section, as applicable.
(a) #Community facilities# with sleeping accommodations shall be permitted as-of-right on any #zoning lot# that, on (date of referral), was not occupied by a qualifying #building#. As a condition to receiving a building permit, such absence of a qualifying #building# on the #zoning lot# shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Department of Buildings.
(b) #Community facilities# with sleeping accommodations shall be permitted on a #zoning lot# that, on (date of referral), was occupied by one or more qualifying #buildings#, only upon certification by the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission that the #zoning lot# will contain at least the amount of non-#residential floor area# that existed within qualifying #buildings# on the zoning lot on (date of referral), subject to the following:
(1) non-#residential floor area# that is preserved within existing non-qualifying #buildings# on the #zoning lot# through restrictive declaration may count toward meeting the requirements of this certification; and
(2) #floor area# from #community facility uses# with sleeping accommodations shall not count toward meeting the requirements of this certification.
However, non-#residential floor area# converted to vertical circulation and lobby space associated with a #community facility# with sleeping accommodations need not be replaced as non-#residential floor area#.
A restrictive declaration acceptable to the Department of City Planning shall be executed and recorded, binding the owners, successors and assigns to maintain the amount of non-#residential floor area# that existed within such qualifying #buildings# on (date of referral) on the #zoning lot#. Such restrictive declaration shall be recorded in the Office of the City Register. A copy of such declaration shall be provided to the Department of Buildings upon application for any building permit related to a change in #use# from non-#residential# to #community facility uses# with sleeping accommodations, or for any #development# containing #community facility uses# with sleeping accommodations.
(c) Ground floor #community facility uses# shall be subject to the streetscape provisions set forth in Section 88-131 (Streetscape Provisions).
Commercial Use
The #commercial use# regulations applicable in M1 Districts shall apply in the #Special Hudson Square District#, except that:
(a) food stores, including supermarkets, grocery stores, or delicatessen stores, shall not be limited as to the size of the establishment;
(b) #uses# listed in Use Group 6A, other than food stores, Use Groups 6C, pursuant to Section 42-13, 6E, 10 and 12B, shall be limited to 10,000 square feet of #floor area# at the ground floor level, per establishment. Portions of such establishments located above or below ground floor level shall not be limited in size;
(c) ground floor #commercial uses# shall be subject to special streetscape provisions set forth in Section 88-131 (Streetscape provisions);
(d) #commercial uses# permitted in M1 Districts shall be subject to the modifications set forth in Section 123-22 (Modification of Use Groups 16, 17 and 18), inclusive;
(e) #transient hotels# shall be allowed, except that:
(1) #development# or #enlargement# of #transient hotels# with greater than 100 sleeping units on #zoning lots# where #residential use# is permitted as-of-right, in accordance with paragraph (a) of Section 88-11, shall only be allowed upon certification by the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission to the Commissioner of Buildings that the “residential development goal” has been met for the #Special Hudson Square District# as set forth in this paragraph, (e)(1), or, where such “residential development goal” has not been met, by special permit pursuant to Section 88-132 (Special permit for large transient hotels):
Residential Development Goal
The residential development goal shall be met when at least 2,255 #dwelling units#, permitted pursuant to the provisions of Section 88-11 (Residential Use), within the #Special Hudson Square District# have received temporary or final certificates of occupancy subsequent to [date of enactment].
(2) A change of #use# within a qualifying #building# to a #transient hotel# with greater than 100 sleeping units shall only be allowed by special permit, pursuant to Section 88-132;
(f) eating or drinking establishments with entertainment and a capacity of more than 200 persons, or establishments of any capacity with dancing, are permitted only by special permit of the Board of Standards and Appeals, pursuant to Section 73-244.
Streetscape provisions
For #zoning lots# with #street# frontage of 50 feet or more, the location of certain #uses# shall be subject to the following #use# requirements:
(a) For #uses# located on the ground floor or within five feet of #curb level#, limited to Use Groups 6A, 6C, 7B, 8A, 8B, 9A, 10A, 12A and 12B, shall have a depth of at least 30 feet from the #building wall# facing the #street# and shall extend along a minimum of 50 percent of the width of the #street# frontage of the #zoning lot#.
(b) The remainder of the #street# frontage of the #zoning lot# may be occupied by any permitted #uses#, lobbies or entrances to parking spaces, except that lobbies shall be limited to a total width of 40 feet per #street# frontage. The 30 foot minimum depth requirement shall not apply where a reduction in such depth is necessary in order to accommodate a #residential lobby# or vertical circulation core.
(c) In Subdistrict A, for portions of a #building# bounding a #public park#, the ground floor #use# requirements of paragraph (a) of this Section shall apply to 100 percent of the width of the #street# frontage of the #zoning lot#, and #residential# lobbies and #schools# shall be permitted #uses# on the ground floor for purposes of compliance with paragraph (a) of this Section.
For #zoning lots# with #street frontage# of less than 50 feet, no special ground floor #use# requirements shall apply.
Enclosed parking spaces, or parking spaces covered by a #building#, including such spaces #accessory# to #residences#, shall be permitted to occupy the ground floor provided they are located beyond 30 feet from the #building wall# facing the #street#.
Any ground floor #street wall# of a #development# or #enlargement# that contains #uses# listed in Use Groups 1 through 15, not including #dwelling units#, shall be glazed with transparent materials which may include #show windows#, transom windows or glazed portions of doors, provided such transparent materials have a minimum width of two feet. Such transparency shall occupy at least 50 percent of the surface area of each such ground floor #street wall# between a height of two feet, and 12 feet or the height of the ground floor ceiling, whichever is higher, as measured from the adjoining sidewalk. The lowest level of any transparency that is provided to satisfy the requirements of this Section shall not be higher than four feet above the #curb level#, with the exception of transom windows. In addition, the maximum width of a portion of the ground floor level #street wall# without transparency shall not exceed ten feet. However, where an entrance to a parking facility is provided, the requirements of this Section shall not apply to that portion of the ground floor #street wall# occupied by such an entrance.
Special permit for large transient hotels
(a) Developments or enlargements
In the #Special Hudson Square District#, prior to the “residential development goal” set forth in paragraph [(f)] (e) of Section 88-13 (Commercial Use) having been achieved, the City Planning Commission may permit #developments# or #enlargements# of #transient hotels# with greater than 100 sleeping units on #zoning lots# where #residential use# is permitted as-of-right, in accordance with paragraph (a) of Section 88-11 (Residential Use), provided the Commission finds that:
(1) sufficient development sites are available in the area to meet the “residential development goal”; or
(2) a harmonious mix of #residential# and non-#residential uses# has been established in the surrounding area, and such #transient hotel# resulting from a #development# or #enlargement# is consistent with the character of such surrounding area.
(b) Changes of use
In the #Special Hudson Square District#, the City Planning Commission may permit the change of #use# of #floor area# within qualifying #buildings# to a Use Group 5 #transient hotel# with greater than 100 sleeping units provided that, at minimum, the amount of #floor area# changed to such #transient hotel# is:
(1) preserved for Use Group 6B office #use# within a qualifying #building# located within the #Special Hudson Square District#, or
(2) created for Use Group 6B office #use# within a #building developed# after (date of referral), or within the #enlarged# portion of a #building#, where such #enlargement# was constructed within one year of the date an application pursuant to this Section is filed with the Department of City Planning (DCP). Such #developed# or #enlarged buildings# may be located anywhere within the #Special Hudson Square District#, and shall have either temporary or final certificates of occupancy for Use Group 6B office #use#.
In order to permit such change of #use#, the Commission shall find that the proposed #transient hotel# is so located as not to impair the essential character, or the future use or development, of the surrounding area.
A restrictive declaration acceptable to the DCP shall be executed and recorded, binding the owners, successors and assigns to preserve an amount of Use Group 6B office #use# within a qualifying #building#, or created within a #development# or #enlargement#, as applicable. Such restrictive declaration shall be recorded in the Office of the City Register. A copy of such declaration shall be provided to the Department of Buildings upon application for any building permit related to a change in #use# from Use Group 6B office #use# to any other #use#.
The Commission may prescribe additional conditions and safeguards to minimize adverse effects on the character of the surrounding area.
Manufacturing Use
In the #Special Hudson Square District#, #manufacturing uses# permitted in M1 Districts shall be subject to the modifications set forth in Section 123-22 (Modification of Use Groups 16, 17 and 18), inclusive.
In the #Special Hudson Square District#, #signs# are subject to the regulations applicable in C6-4 Districts, as set forth in Section 32-60, inclusive.
Except as modified in this Chapter, the following bulk regulations shall apply:
(a) For #developments#, #enlargements#, or changes of #use# containing #residences#, the #bulk# regulations of an R10 District, as set forth in Article II, Chapter 3 (Bulk Regulations for Residential Buildings in Residence Districts) shall apply;
(b) For #developments#, #enlargements#, or changes of #use# containing #manufacturing#, #commercial# or #community facility uses#, the #bulk# regulations set forth in Article IV, Chapter 3 (Bulk Regulations), shall apply.
For the purposes of applying the regulations of this Section, Greenwich Street shall be a #wide street#.
Floor Area Regulations
Except in Subdistrict A, the maximum #floor area# ratio for #zoning lots# that do not contain #residences# shall be 10.0; no #floor area# bonuses shall apply.
The maximum base #floor area ratio# for #zoning lots# that contain #residences# shall be 9.0 plus an amount equal to 0.25 times the non-#residential floor area ratio# provided on the #zoning lot#, provided that such base #floor area ratio# does not exceed 10.0. Such #floor area ratio# may be increased to a maximum of 12.0 only as set forth in Section 88-32 (Inclusionary Housing).
Special floor area regulations in Subdistrict A
For #zoning lots# in Subdistrict A that do not contain #residences#, the maximum #floor area# ratio shall be 10.0; no #floor area# bonuses shall apply.
For #zoning lots# in Subdistrict A containing #residences#, the maximum #floor area ratio# shall be 9.0 plus an amount equal to 0.25 times the non-#residential floor area ratio# provided on the #zoning lot#, provided that such base #floor area ratio# does not exceed 10.0.
Any floor space designated for #use# as a #school# shall be exempted from the definition of #floor area# for the purposes of calculating the permitted #floor area ratio# for #community facility uses# and the total maximum #floor area ratio# of the #zoning lot#, provided that such school is either:
(a) a public school, subject to the jurisdiction of the New York City Department of Education, pursuant to an agreement accepted by the School Construction Authority; or
(b) a charter school, subject to the New York State Education Law, pursuant to an agreement with a charter school organization.
Inclusionary Housing
The #Special Hudson Square District#, except Subdistrict A, shall be an #Inclusionary Housing designated area#, and the provisions of Section 23-90 (INCLUSIONARY HOUSING) applicable to R10 Districts shall apply.
Height and Setback
In the #Special Hudson Square District#, the height and setback regulations of the underlying districts shall not apply. In lieu thereof, the provisions of this Section shall apply to all #buildings#.
(a) Rooftop regulations
(1) Permitted obstructions
The provisions of Section 33-42 shall apply to all #buildings#, except that elevator or stair bulkheads, roof water tanks, cooling towers or other mechanical equipment (including enclosures), may penetrate a maximum height limit, provided that either the product, in square feet, of the #aggregate width of street walls# of such obstructions facing each #street# frontage, times their average height, in feet, shall not exceed a figure equal to eight times the width, in feet, of the #street wall# of the #building# facing such frontage; or that the #lot coverage# of all such obstructions does not exceed 20 percent of the #lot coverage# of the #building#, and the height of all such obstructions does not exceed 40 feet.
In addition, dormers may penetrate a maximum base height provided that on any #street# frontage, the aggregate width of all dormers at the maximum base height does not exceed 60 percent of the length of the #street wall# of the highest #story# entirely below the maximum base height. For each foot of height above the maximum base height, the aggregate width of all such dormers shall be decreased by one percent of the #street wall# width of the highest #story# entirely below the maximum base height.
(2) Screening requirements for mechanical equipment
For all #developments#, #enlargements# and #conversions# of non-#residential floor area# to #residences#, all mechanical equipment located on any roof of a #building or other structure# shall be fully screened on all sides. However, no such screening requirements shall apply to water tanks.
(b) Height and setback
(1) #Street wall# location
On #wide streets#, and on #narrow streets# within 50 feet of their intersection with a #wide street#, the #street wall# shall be located on the #street line# and extend along the entire #street# frontage of the #zoning lot# up to the minimum base height or the height of the #building#, whichever is less. On #narrow streets# beyond 50 feet of their intersection with a #wide street#, the #street wall# shall be located on the #street line#. For the purposes of this paragraph, (b), portions of #street walls# located up to 18 inches from a #street line# shall be considered to be located on the #street line# where a vertical element of such #street wall# is located on the #street line# and rises without setback from ground level to the top of the second #story# at intervals of at least once every 15 feet in plan and, above the level of the second #story#, where a vertical element rises without setback to the applicable minimum base height at an interval of at least once every 30 feet in plan.
On the ground floor, recesses shall be permitted where required to provide access to the #building#, provided such recesses do not exceed three feet in depth as measured from the #street line#.
Above the level of the ground floor, recesses shall be permitted beyond 20 feet of an adjacent #building# and beyond 30 feet of the intersection of two #street lines#, as follows:
(i) Along #wide streets#
Recesses shall be provided at the level of each #story# entirely above a height of 60 feet, up to the maximum base height of the #building#. Such recesses shall have a minimum depth of five feet and a width between 10 and 40 percent of the #aggregate width of street wall# of the #building# at the level of any #story#.
(ii) Along #narrow streets#
Above the level of the second #story#, recesses in #street walls# deeper than 18 inches shall be permitted. Such recesses may not exceed 30 percent of the #aggregate width of street wall# of the #building# at the level of any #story.
(2) Base height
On #wide streets#, and on #narrow streets# within 50 feet of their intersection with a #wide street#, the #street wall# of a #building# shall rise without setback to a minimum base height of 125 feet and a maximum base height of 150 feet.
On #narrow streets#, beyond 50 feet of their intersection with a #wide street#, the #street wall# of a #building# shall rise without setback to a minimum base height of 60 feet, or the height of the #building#, whichever is less, up to a maximum base height of 125 feet.
As an alternative, the minimum and maximum base heights applicable to a #wide street# may apply along a #narrow street# to a distance of 100 feet from its intersection with a #wide street#.
(3) Required setbacks and maximum #building# heights
(i) Along #wide streets#
The provisions of this paragraph, (b)(3)(i), shall apply to #buildings#, or portions thereof, located on #wide streets#, and on #narrow streets# within 100 feet from their intersection with a #wide street#. The portion of such #building# above a height of 150 feet shall be set back from the #street wall# of the #building# at least 10 feet along a #wide street# and at least 15 feet along a #narrow street#, except such dimensions may include the depth of any permitted recesses in the #street wall#. The maximum height of such #buildings# shall be 290 feet. In addition, the gross area of each of either the highest two or three #stories# of such #building# located entirely above a height of 230 feet, shall not exceed 80 percent of the gross area of the #story# directly below such highest two or three #stories#.
(ii) Along #narrow streets#
The provisions of this paragraph, (b)(3)(ii), shall apply to #buildings#, or portions thereof, located on #narrow streets# beyond 100 feet from their intersection with a #wide street#.
The portion of such #building# above a height of 125 feet shall be set back from the #street wall# of the #building# at least 15 feet, except such dimensions may include the depth of any permitted recesses in the #street wall#.
The maximum height of such #buildings# shall be 185 feet. However, for #buildings# that include #floor area compensation# pursuant to Sections 88-32 and 23-90 (Inclusionary Housing) for the provision of an amount of #low income floor area# not less than 20 percent of the #residential floor area# on the #compensated zoning lot#, the maximum height of such #building# shall be 210 feet where such #building# is on a #block# with a depth between #narrow streets# of more than 180 feet, and the maximum height of such #building# shall be 230 feet where such #building# is on a #block# where the depth between #narrow streets# is less than 180 feet.
For #buildings# containing #residences#, all [no] portions of such #building# exceeding a height of 125 feet above the level of the #residential rear yard# shall be set back no less than ten feet from [nearer to] a #rear yard line# [than ten feet]. No setback shall be required for #buildings# that include #floor area compensation# pursuant to Sections 88-32 and 23-90 (Inclusionary Housing) for the provision of an amount of #low income floor area# not less than 20 percent of the #residential floor area# on the #compensated zoning lot#.
(4) Maximum length of #street wall#
The maximum length of any #street wall# located entirely above a height of 150 feet shall not exceed 150 feet. Such length shall be measured in plan view by inscribing within a rectangle the outermost walls at the level of each #story# entirely above a level of 150 feet. As an alternative, for #street walls# facing #wide streets# that provide vertical articulation, such maximum length may be increased to 175 feet, provided that between 30 and 40 percent of the width of the #street wall# is recessed at least five feet from all adjacent #street walls# above a height of 150 feet.
(5) Vertical #enlargements#
(i) Existing #buildings# may be vertically #enlarged# by up to one #story# or 15 feet without regard to the #street wall# location requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this Section.
(ii) Existing #buildings# with #street walls# that rise without setback to a height of at least 80 feet may be vertically #enlarged# in excess of one #story# or 15 feet without regard to the #street wall# location requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this Section, provided such #enlarged# portion is located at least 10 feet from a #wide street# and at least 15 feet from a #narrow street#.
Special height and setback regulations in Subdistrict A
For #zoning lots# in Subdistrict A, the regulations in paragraph (b) of Section 88-33 applicable to #wide streets# shall apply, except where modified or superseded by the regulations of this Section.
(a) Maximum #building# height
The maximum height of #buildings# shall be 430 feet.
(b) Lot coverage
Below a height of 290 feet, #buildings# shall have a minimum #floor area# coverage of at least 30 percent of the #lot area# of the #zoning lot#. Above a height of 290 feet, #buildings# shall have a minimum #floor area# coverage of at least 20 percent of the #lot area# of the #zoning lot#.
(c) Modification of #bulk# regulations for #zoning lots# bounding a #public park#
In the case of a #zoning lot line# #abutting# the boundary of a #public park#, such #zoning lot line# shall be considered to be a #wide street line# for the purposes of applying all #bulk# regulations of this Resolution except for #street wall# regulations. For the purposes of applying #street wall# regulations in the case of a #zoning lot line# #abutting# the boundary of a #public park#, a line no more than 45 feet west of and parallel to the nearest boundary line of the #public park# shall be considered a #wide street line#.
(d) #Street wall# location
The #street wall# provisions of this Chapter shall apply, except that, for the portion of a #building# bounding a #public park#, the #street wall# shall be located at the #street line# for at least 50 percent of the frontage bounding the #public park# and shall rise to the minimum base height, but not higher than the maximum base height.
[ 88-332
Special permit to modify height and setback regulations on shallow block sites ]
[The City Planning Commission may, by special permit, modify height and setback regulations for portions of #zoning lots# located beyond 100 feet of a #wide street#, where the maximum depth between #narrow streets# bordering the #block# is 180 feet or less. The provisions of Section 88-33, paragraph (b)(3)(ii), may be modified to permit a maximum #building# height of up to 210 feet, and a waiver of rear setback requirements at a height of 125 feet, provided that the #street wall# of the #building# shall be located on the #street line# and extend along the entire #narrow street# frontage of the #zoning lot# up to a minimum base height of 60 feet.]
[ In granting such special permit, the Commission shall find that such modification is not inconsistent with the scale of the surrounding area. ]
[ The City Planning Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards to ensure compatibility with the character of the surrounding area. ]
[ 88-333 ]
Those portions of #buildings# that contain #residences# shall be subject to the court provisions applicable in R10 Districts as set forth in Section 23-80 (Court Regulations, Minimum Distance between Windows and Walls or Lot Lines and Open Area Requirements), inclusive.
In the #Special Hudson Square District#, except as provided in Section 88-41 (Rear yard regulations for shallow through lots), the #yard# provisions applicable in R10 Districts shall apply to the #residential# portion of a #building#, and the #yard# provisions applicable in C6 Districts shall apply to non-#residential buildings#, or the non-#residential# portion of a #building#.
Rear yard regulations for shallow through lots
For #through lot# portions of #zoning lots# located beyond 100 feet of a #wide street#, where the maximum depth of such #through lot# between #narrow streets# is 180 feet or less, any required #rear yard equivalent# shall be provided as an open area with a minimum depth of 60 feet, midway (or within ten feet of being midway) between the two #narrow street lines# upon which such #through lot# fronts.
In the #Special Hudson Square District#, the parking regulations applicable in C6-4 Districts, as set forth in Article III, Chapter 6, and as modified, pursuant to Article I, Chapter 3 (Comprehensive Off-Street Parking Regulations in Community Districts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 in the Borough of Manhattan and a Portion of Community Districts 1 and 2 in the Borough of Queens) shall apply.
Appendix A
Map 1 - Special Hudson Square District and Subdistrict
* * *
Inclusionary Housing Designated Areas
The boundaries of #Inclusionary Housing designated areas# are shown on the maps listed in this Appendix F. The #Residence Districts# listed for such areas shall include #Commercial Districts# where #residential buildings# or the #residential# portion of #mixed buildings# are governed by the #bulk# regulations of such #Residence Districts#. Where #Inclusionary Housing designated areas# are mapped in #Commercial Districts#, the residential district equivalent has instead been specified for each map.
Table of
Inclusionary Housing Designated Areas
by Zoning Map
Zoning Map Community District Maps of Inclusionary Housing Designated Areas
* * * * * * * * *
9b Queens CD 2 Map 1
9d Queens CD 2 Map 1, Map 2
12a Manhattan CD 1 Map 1
12a Manhattan CD 2 Map 1
12c Manhattan CD 3 Map 1
12c Brooklyn CD 1 Map 1, Map 2
* * * * * * * * *
* * *
Manhattan Community District 1
* * *
Manhattan Community District 2
In the M1-6 Districts within the areas shown on the following Map 1:
Map 1
#Special Hudson Square District# - see Section 88-32
Portion of Community District 2, Manhattan
* * *
Office of the City Clerk, }
The City of New York, } ss.:
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution passed by The Council of The City of New York on March 20, 2013, on file in this office.
City Clerk, Clerk of The Council