Int. No. 902
By Council Members Lappin, James, Koo, Koslowitz, Rose and Dromm
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to reporting data about electric bicycles.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Subdivision a of section 14-153 of the administrative code of the city of New York, is amended to read as follows:
a. The department shall publish on its website the following traffic-related data: (1) the number of moving violation summonses issued, disaggregated by type of summons; (2) the number of traffic crashes, disaggregated by (i) the type of vehicle or vehicles involved; (ii) the number of motorists and/or injured passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians involved; and (3) the number of traffic-related fatalities and injuries disaggregated by (i) the number of motorists and/or injured passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians involved; and (ii) the apparent human contributing factor or factors involved in the crash, including, but not limited to alcohol, driver inattention/distraction, speeding, failure to yield and use of cell phones or other mobile devices. For purposes of the above, bicyclists shall be further disaggregated by the number of bicyclists using bicycles that run exclusively on human power and by the number of bicyclists using bicycles that are capable of running on human power that may also be powered by an electric motor or by a gasoline motor that is capable of propelling the device without human power and is not capable of being registered with the New York state department of motor vehicles.
§2. Section 19-186 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended to add a new subdivision c to read as follows:
c. Commencing on the effective date of this subdivision, all compilation of information and all reporting required by this section shall disaggregate bicycles by the number of bicycles that run exclusively on human power and by the number of bicycles that are capable of running on human power that may also be powered by an electric motor or by a gasoline motor that is capable of propelling the device without human power and is not capable of being registered with the New York state department of motor vehicles.
§3. This local law shall take effect one hundred twenty days after it is enacted into law.