Res. No. 1434
Resolution calling on the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department to train at least five police officers, including a traffic enforcement officer, in each precinct to conduct thorough investigations of vehicle accidents resulting in serious injuries.
By Council Members Levin, Lander, Mark-Viverito, Vacca, Chin, Comrie, Dickens, Eugene, Gentile, James, Koo, Koppell, Mendez, Rose, Williams, Wills and Lappin
Whereas, The New York City Police Department ("NYPD") is responsible for investigating motor vehicle accidents in New York City; and
Whereas, Within the NYPD, the Highway Unit's Accident Investigation Squad ("AIS") specializes in investigating vehicle accidents; however, AIS only investigates accidents that result in death or a serious injury likely to result in a death; and
Whereas, AIS is a specialized unit comprised of, among others, detectives who conduct a comprehensive investigation at the accident scene including interviewing witnesses, preparing crash scene diagrams, and analyzing physical evidence; and
Whereas, AIS officers are currently the only NYPD members trained to conduct these types of investigations, which can help determine criminality or wrongdoing; and
Whereas, According to the NYPD, in 2011, AIS was deployed 304 times, including to 241 accidents that resulted in a death and 63 classified as having a victim that was likely to die; and
Whereas, Despite the high number of investigations conducted by AIS in 2011, the AIS unit headcount has declined over the past few years; and
Whereas, In 2000, AIS had 1 lieutenant, 4 sergeants, and 24 detectives and in 2011 had 1 lieutenant, 3 sergeants and 19 detectives; and
Whereas, All accidents resulting in serious injury deserve a thorough investigation; and
Whereas, To ensure that there are enough officers to conduct thorough investigations of vehicle accidents resulting in serious injury; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls on the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department to train at least five police officers, including a traffic enforcement officer, in each precinct to conduct thorough investigations of vehicle accidents resulting in serious injuries.
LS# 3423