Res. No. 1203
Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature to prohibit police officers and other public officials from handcuffing special needs and emotionally distraught students who are twelve years old or younger in New York City schools.
By Council Members Barron, James, Levin, Mark-Viverito, Mendez, Vann, Williams, Wills, Dromm, Reyna, Recchia, Dickens, Chin, Gentile and Arroyo
Whereas, In the past twenty years, there have been over a thousand incidents of special needs students, as young as five years old, who suffer from autism and/or other mental disabilities, asthma and/or other physical impairments, or emotional instability that have been handcuffed by police officers and school officials in schools in the United States; and
Whereas, In the past five years, there have been numerous incidents of handcuffing by police officers and school officials in New York City of special needs students, as young as seven years old, who suffer from autism and/or other mental disabilities, asthma and/or other physical impairments, or emotional instability which have been reported and/or publicized; and
Whereas, In some of the aforementioned handcuffing incidents, both in New York City and in the United States, these young students were physically restrained and/or isolated for many hours; and
Whereas, Sadly, during some of these handcuffing occurrences the youth were physically harmed and/or injured; and
Whereas, Tragically, at least one of these handcuffing incidents led to the death of a student; and
Whereas, In a significant portion of the incidents, the students were emotionally traumatized and/or otherwise negatively affected; and
Whereas, In light of such risks of harm, it is incumbent upon police officers, school safety agents and other officials to exercise utmost restraint and care when dealing with young students; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the New York State Legislature to prohibit police officers and other public officials from handcuffing special needs and emotionally distraught students who are twelve years old or younger in New York City schools.
LS # 2372
4:05 pm