Resolution approving the decision of the City Planning Commission on ULURP No. C 030022 ZMR, a Zoning Map change (L.U. No. 550).
By Council Members Katz and Avella
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission filed with the Council on November 7, 2003 its decision dated November 5, 2003 (the "Decision"), on the application submitted by the Office of the Staten Island Borough President, pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter, for an amendment to the Zoning Map (ULURP No. C 030022 ZMR) (the "Application");
WHEREAS, the Decision is subject to review and action by the Council pursuant to Section 197-d(b)(1) of the City Charter;
WHEREAS, upon due notice, the Council held a public hearing on the Decision and Application on December 1, 2003;
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the land use implications and other policy issues relating to the Decision and Application; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the relevant environmental issues and the Negative Declaration, issued on September 8, 2003 (CEQR No. 04DCP009R);
The Council finds that the action described herein will have no significant effect on the environment.
Pursuant to Sections 197-d and 200 of the City Charter and on the basis of the Decision and Application, the Council approves the Decision.
The Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, effective as of December 15, 1961, and as subsequently amended, is further amended by changing the Zoning Map, Section Nos. 20d, 21b, 26a, 26c, 26d and 27a:
1. changing from an R3-2 District to an R3A District property bounded by a line 300 feet northeasterly of Ridgeway Avenue, Victory Boulevard, a line perpendicular to the centerline of Victory Boulevard at a point 300 feet southwesterly of Ridgeway Avenue, a line perpendicular to the last course at a point 1000 feet northwesterly of the centerline of Victory Boulevard, Prices Lane and its northwesterly centerline prolongation, a line 300 feet northwesterly of Victory Boulevard, Parish Avenue, a line 350 feet easterly of Glen Street, a line 100 feet northerly of Wild Avenue and its westerly prolongation, West Shore Expressway, Beresford Avenue and its northwesterly centerline prolongation, a line 400 feet northwesterly of Dean Avenue, Roswell Avenue, a line 400 feet northwesterly of Victory Boulevard Extension, southwesterly and northeasterly boundary line of Schmul Park, a line midway between Mildred Avenue and Watson Avenue and its southwesterly prolongation, the northeasterly, a line 100 feet southwesterly of Shelley Avenue, Watson Avenue and its southwesterly centerline prolongation, the northeasterly boundary line of Schmul Park, a line 400 feet northwesterly of Victory Boulevard Extension, a line 100 feet northeasterly of Burke Avenue, a line perpendicular to the southwesterly Street line of Church Avenue distant 355 feet southeasterly (as measured along the Street line) from the intersection of the southwesterly street line of Church Avenue and the southeasterly street line of Victory Boulevard, Church Avenue, Victory Boulevard, Towers Lane, a line 280 feet southeasterly of Victory Boulevard, a line 300 feet southwesterly of Ridgeway Avenue, and a line midway between Riche Avenue and Gasper Avenue and its northeasterly and southwesterly prolongations;
2. changing from an R3-2 District to an R3-1 District property bounded by:
a. Staten Island Expressway, Richmond Avenue, Lamberts Lane, and Elson Street and its northerly centerline prolongation;
b. a line 100 feet southerly of Lander Avenue, Richmond Avenue, Merrill Avenue, Hillman Avenue, the westerly centerline prolongation of Jardine Avenue, and a line 100 feet easterly of Arlene Street;
c. Victory Boulevard, a westerly boundary line of Willowbrook Park and its westerly prolongation, Richmond Avenue, Signs Road, Amsterdam Avenue and its southerly centerline prolongation, Carnegie Avenue, and Richmond Avenue;
d. a line 100 feet southerly of the southerly street line of Gary Place and its easterly and westerly prolongations, Gary Place and its southerly centerline prolongation, Sleepy Hollow Road and its easterly centerline prolongation, Draper Place and its southerly centerline prolongation at Travis Avenue, and a northerly and easterly boundary line of a park;
e. Ashworth Avenue, a line passing through two points: the first on the southerly street line of Ashworth Avenue distant 440 feet easterly (as measured along the street line) from the intersection of the southerly street line of Ashworth Avenue and the easterly street line of Carpenter Avenue and the second on the northeasterly street line of Rockland Avenue distant 100 feet northwesterly (as measured along the street line) from the intersection of the northeasterly street line of Rockland Avenue and the northwesterly street line of Slayton Avenue, Rockland Avenue, a westerly boundary line of Latourette Park and its northerly prolongation, Nome Avenue and its southeasterly centerline prolongation, Lewiston Street, Furness Place, a line 200 feet southeasterly of Bridgetown Street and its northeasterly prolongation, a line midway between Klondike Avenue and Travis Avenue, a line 100 feet southeasterly of Steinway Avenue, a line 100 feet northeasterly of Shiloh Street, Radford Street, Shiloh Street, the northeasterly prolongation of a line 700 feet southeasterly of Richmond Avenue (between Richmond Hill Road and Nome Avenue), Nome Avenue, Steinway Avenue, Travis Avenue, Saxon Avenue, Gadsen Place, a line 180 feet northeasterly of Travis Avenue, Ferndale Avenue, Rockland Avenue, and Grissom Avenue;
f. Nome Avenue, Rockne Street, a line midway between Ellwood Avenue and Nome Avenue, a line 300 feet southeasterly of Rockne Street, Richmond Hill Road, a line 100 feet northwesterly of Mary Mount Street, a line 100 feet southwesterly of Nome Avenue, and a line 700 feet southeasterly of Richmond Avenue;
g. Staten Island Expressway, Wheeler Avenue, Westwood Avenue, Graves Street, Holden Boulevard, Suffolk Avenue, Vermont Court, Gansevoort Boulevard, Carolina Court, Suffolk Avenue, Harold Street, Bradley Avenue, Brielle Avenue, Walcott Avenue, a northwesterly boundary line of New York City Farm Colony and its northerly prolongation, Colonial Avenue and its northeasterly centerline prolongation, a line midway between Field Street and Hazen Street and its northwesterly prolongation, an easterly boundary line of the State of New York Department of Mental Hygiene, and Hawthorne Avenue and its northerly and southerly centerline prolongations;
h. Westwood Avenue, Laguardia Avenue, Bolivar Street, and Manor Road; and
i. Harold Street, Manor Road, Etna Place, a line 100 feet southeasterly of Manor Road, Cliffwood Avenue, Manor Road, Brielle Avenue, Melba Street, Portage Avenue, and Fanning Street; and
3. changing from an R3-2 District to an R3X District property bounded by:
a. Lamberts Lane, Richmond Avenue, a line 100 feet southerly of Lander Avenue, a line 100 feet easterly of Arlene Street, the westerly centerline prolongation of Jardine Avenue, Hillman Avenue, Merrill Avenue, Richmond Avenue, Carnegie Avenue, Amsterdam Avenue and its southerly centerline prolongation, Signs Road, Richmond Avenue, Amsterdam Place, Freedom Avenue, a line 100 feet northerly of Knapp Street and its easterly prolongation, Richmond Avenue, Travis Avenue, Draper Place, Sleepy Hollow Road and its easterly centerline prolongation, Gary Place and its southerly centerline prolongation, a line 100 feet southerly of Gary Place, an easterly and northerly boundary line of a park, Dinsmore Street and its southerly centerline prolongation, Victory Boulevard, Graham Avenue, Lander Avenue, a line 180 feet westerly of Elson Street, a line midway between Kirshon Avenue and Lander Avenue, a line 165 feet easterly of Elson Street, Kirshon Avenue, and a line 300 feet easterly of Elson Street;
b. a line midway between Klondike Avenue and Travis Avenue, a line 200 feet southeasterly of Bridgetown Street and its northeasterly prolongation, Furness Place, Lewiston Street, Nome Avenue and its southeasterly centerline prolongation, a northwesterly boundary line of Latourette Park, Richmond Hill Road, a line 150 feet northwesterly of Brunswick Street and its northeasterly prolongation, a line midway between Ellwood Avenue and Nome Avenue, Rockne Street, Nome Avenue, the northeasterly prolongation of a line 700 feet southeasterly of Richmond Avenue (between Richmond Hill Road and Nome Avenue), Shiloh Street, Radford Street, a line 100 feet northeasterly of Shiloh Street, and a line 100 feet southeasterly of Steinway Avenue; and
c. Staten Island Expressway, Fanning Street and its northerly centerline prolongation, a line 500 feet northerly of Westwood Avenue, a line midway between Elvin Street and Manor Road and its northerly centerline prolongation, a line 200 feet northerly of Westwood Avenue, Manor Road, Harold Street, Fanning Street, Portage Avenue, Melba Street, Brielle Avenue, Bradley Avenue and its southerly centerline prolongation, Harold Street, Suffolk Avenue, Carolina Court, Gansevoort Boulevard, Vermont Court, Suffolk Avenue, Holden Boulevard, Graves Street, Westwood Avenue, and Wheeler Avenue;
as shown on a diagram (for illustrative purposes only) dated September 8, 2003, Community District 2, Borough of Staten Island.
Office of the City Clerk, }
The City of New York, } ss.:
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution passed by The Council of The City of New York on December 3, 2003, on file in this office.
City Clerk, Clerk of The Council
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C 030022 ZMR
Res. No. 1197 (L.U. No. 550)