Application no. C 050260 ZSM submitted by Fordham University pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter for the grant of a special permit pursuant to Section 82-33 of the Zoning Resolution to modify the height and setback requirements of Section 23-632, the inner and outer court regulations of Section 23-841, Section 23-843, Section 23-851, Section 23-852, Section 24-63 , Section 24-633, Section 24-652, and Section 23-863,. the minimum distance between buildings on a zoning lot requirements of Section 23-711 and the minimum distance between legally required windows and zoning lot lines requirements of Section 23-861 in connection with the proposed expansion of Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus, bounded by Amsterdam Avenue, West 62nd Street, Columbus Avenue, West 60th Street, Amsterdam Avenue, West 61st Street, a line 200 feet easterly of Amsterdam Avenue, and a line 90 feet southerly of West 62nd Street (Block 1132, Lots 1, 20, and 35), in a C4-7 District...