Res. No. 1287
Resolution recognizing April 14-April 15, 2000 as National Youth Service Day in the City of New York and urging all New Yorkers to participate in its program of promoting the hope and promise of youth.
By Council Members Eisland, Fisher, Clarke, Malave-Dilan, Henry, Lopez, Nelson, Golden and Stabile; also Council Members Foster, Leffler, Marshall, Michels, Perkins, Quinn, Rivera, Robinson, Warden, Wooten and Ognibene
Whereas, National Youth Service Day was founded in 1988 by Youth Service America, an alliance of 175 community-conscious organizations, and since its inception, it has helped to promote volunteerism and community spirit; and
Whereas, National Youth Service Day aims to celebrate the energy and hope of young people across the country; and
Whereas, Thousands of local organizations and schools throughout the country participate in National Youth Service Day by sponsoring community service projects, concerts, youth achievement awards ceremonies and various other events that celebrate and promote the achievements of young people; and
Whereas, National Youth Service Day activities have brought together scores of people of all ages and from all facets of society to volunteer their time and energy for the benefit of the community-at-large; and
Whereas, Youth Service America has continuously done an exceptional job in sponsoring National Youth Service Day, having worked with organizations like the National League of Cities and the Red Cross to ensure that the message reaches all 50 states and the District of Columbia; and
Whereas, New York City has been designated one of 20 key media cities for National Youth Service Day; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York recognizes April 14-April 15, 2000 as National Youth Service Day in the City of New York and urges all New Yorkers to participate in its program of promoting the hope and promise of youth.
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