Resolution affirming the designation by the Landmarks Preservation Commission of the Riverside-West End Historic District Extension I, Borough of Manhattan, Designation List No. 457, LP-2463 (L.U. No. 705; 20135017 HKM; N 130002 HKM).
By Council Members Comrie and Lander
WHEREAS, the Landmarks Preservation Commission filed with the Council on July 5, 2012 a copy of its designation dated June 26, 2012 (the "Designation"), of the Riverside-West End Historic District Extension I, Community District 7, Borough of Manhattan.
The district boundaries consists of the property bounded by a line beginning at the northwest corner of Broadway and West 79th Street, extending westerly along the northern curbline of West 79th Street to a point on a line extending southerly from the western property line of 307 West 79th Street (aka 307-313 West 79th Street), northerly along said line and the western property line of 307 West 79th Street (aka 307-313 West 79th Street), easterly along the northern property line of 307 West 79th Street (aka 307-313 West 79th Street), northerly along the western property line of 411 West End Avenue (aka 409-411 West End Avenue; 302-304 West 80th Street) to the northern curbline of West 80th Street, easterly along the northern curbline of West 80th Street to a point on a line extending southerly from the western property line of 425 West End Avenue (aka 301 West 80th Street), northerly along said line and the western property line of 425 West End Avenue (aka 301 West 80th Street), westerly along part of the southern property line of 433 West End Avenue (aka 431-439 West End Avenue; 300-302 West 81st Street), northerly along part of the western property line of 433 West End Avenue (aka 431-439 West End Avenue; 300-302 West 81st Street), easterly along part of the northern property line of 433 West End Avenue (aka 431-439 West End Avenue; 300-302 West 81st Street), northerly along part of the western property line of 433 West End Avenue (aka 431-439 West End Avenue; 300-302 West 81st Street) to the southern curbline of West 81st Street, westerly along the southern curbline of West 81st Street, northerly along the eastern curbline of Riverside Drive, easterly along the northern curbline of West 85th Street to a point on a line extending southerly from the western property line of 355 West 85th Street (aka 351-355 West 85th Street), northerly along said line and the western property line of 355 West 85th Street (aka 351-355 West 85th Street), westerly along part of the southern property line of 340 West 86th Street (aka 340-346 West 86th Street), northerly along the western property line of 340 West 86th Street (aka 340-346 West 86th Street) to the northern curbline of West 86th Street, easterly along the northern curbline of West 86th Street to a point on a line extending southerly from the western property line of 349 West 86th Street, northerly along the western property line of 349 West 86th Street, easterly along the northern property lines of 349 through 305 West 86th Street (aka 303-307 West 86th Street), northerly along part of the western property line of 545 West End Avenue (aka 541-551 West End Avenue; 301 West 86th Street) and the western property line of 555 West End Avenue (aka 553-559 West End Avenue; 300 West 87th Street) to the northern curbline of West 87th Street, easterly along the northern curbline of West 87th Street to a point on a line extending northerly from the eastern property line of 552 West End Avenue (aka 264 West 87th Street), southerly along said line and the eastern property lines of 552 West End Avenue (aka 264 West 87th Street) and 550 West End Avenue, easterly along part of the northern property line of 540 West End Avenue (aka 540-546 West End Avenue; 261-263 West 86th Street) and the northern property line of 257 West 86th Street (aka 255-259 West 86th Street), southerly along the eastern property line of 257 West 86th Street (aka 255-259 West 86th Street) to the southern curbline of West 86th Street, easterly along the southern curbline of West 86th Street, southerly along the western curbline of Broadway, westerly along the northern curbline of West 83rd Street to a point on a line extending northerly from the eastern property line of 470 West End Avenue (aka 470-472 West End Avenue; 262-270 West 83rd Street), southerly along said line and the eastern property line of 470 West End Avenue (aka 470-472 West End Avenue; 262-270 West 83rd Street), westerly along part of the southern property line of 470 West End Avenue (aka 470-472 West End Avenue; 262-270 West 83rd Street), southerly along the eastern property line of 460-466 West End Avenue (aka 253-257 West 82nd Street) to the southern curbline of West 82nd Street, easterly along the southern curbline of West 82nd Street, southerly along the western curbline of Broadway, westerly along the northern curbline of West 81st Street to a point on a line extending northerly from the eastern property line of 424 West End Avenue (aka 424-436 West End Avenue; 278-280 West 81st Street), southerly along said line and the eastern property lines of 424 West End Avenue (424-436 West End Avenue; 278-280 West 81st Street) and 251 West 80th Street to the northern curbline of West 80th Street, westerly along the northern curbline of West 80th Street to a point on a line extending northerly from the eastern property line of 412 West End Avenue (aka 252-256 West 80th Street), southerly along said line and the eastern property line of 412 West End Avenue (aka 252-256 West 80th Street), westerly along part of the southerly property line of 412 West End Avenue (aka 252-256 West 80th Street), southerly along the eastern property line of 410 West End Avenue (aka 408-410 West End Avenue), easterly along part of the northern property line of 400 West End Avenue (aka 400-406 West End Avenue; 267-269 West 79th Street) and the northern property line of 265 West 79th Street (aka 2221-2229 Broadway) to the western curbline of Broadway, and southerly along the western curbline of Broadway, to the point of beginning.
WHEREAS, the Designation is subject to review by the Council pursuant to Section 3020 of the City Charter;
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission submitted to the Council on September 4, 2012, its report on the Designation dated September 4, 2012 (the "Report");
WHEREAS, upon due notice, the Council held a public hearing on the Designation on October 3, 2012; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the land use implications and other policy issues relating to the Designation;
Pursuant to Section 3020 of the City Charter, and on the basis of the information and materials contained in the Designation and the Report, the Council affirms the Designation.
Office of the City Clerk, }
The City of New York, } ss.:
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution passed by The Council of The City of New York on October 11, 2012, on file in this office.
City Clerk, Clerk of The Council