Resolution to support efforts to grant Elian Gonzalez U.S. citizenship and ensure his case is heard in family court in order to decide Elian's fate in the best interests of this young child.
Res. No. 1177
Resolution to support efforts to grant Elian Gonzalez U.S. citizenship and ensure his case is heard in family court in order to decide Elian's fate in the best interests of this young child.
By Council Member Dear; also Council Members Koslowitz and Wooten.
Whereas, On November 25, six-year-old Elian Gonzalez was rescued off the Florida coast after spending two days at sea clutching an inner tube to remain afloat; and
Whereas, Elian Gonzalez was taken by his mother on a makeshift raft to flee the tyranny of Communist Cuba and make the risky journey to freedom in the United States; and
Whereas, The raft capsized in unsettled seas taking the lives of ten Cubans including Elian's mother and stepfather; and
Whereas, Elian's mother took her son on that perilous trip with the hope of offering him a better life in the "land of opportunity," the United States; and
Whereas, The death of Elian's mother would be in vain if Elian is not permitted to take advantage of the freedoms that our great nation has to offer; and
Whereas, Citizenship would ensure that Elian's case is heard before a family court which will be entrusted to act in his best interests; and
Whereas, The symbol of U.S. freedom, the Statue of Liberty is inscribed with the words, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door;" and
Whereas, Elian's story is told in that inscription and it is the duty of the U.S. government to open America's proverbial golden door to him by granting irrevocable U.S. citizenship; now therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York supports efforts to grant Elian Gonzalez U.S citizenship and ensure his case is heard in family court in order to decide Elian's fate in this best interests of this young child.
Referred to the Committee on Parks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs & International Intergroup Relations.
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