Resolution affirming the comity and friendship shared by the Cities of New York and San Pedro de Macoris in the Dominican Republic, and calling for ongoing cooperation and solidarity between the two Cities.
Res No. 1650
Resolution affirming the comity and friendship shared by the Cities of New York and San Pedro de Macoris in the Dominican Republic, and calling for ongoing cooperation and solidarity between the two Cities.
By Council Members Malave-Dilan, Carrion, Henry, Michels, Robles, Abel and Oddo; also Council Members Eisland, Fisher, Foster, Leffler, Linares, O'Donovan, Rodriguez, Sabini and Wooten
Whereas, The City of New York, through its immigrant population, has a long history of maintaining close ties with the countries and cities of origin of many of its immigrant residents; and
Whereas, The devastation of natural disasters inevitably compels individuals, organizations and governments to form bonds of solidarity; and
Whereas, During the terrible loss of life and property during Hurricane Georges in 1998, the City of New York provided technical and monetary support for the City of San Perdro de Macoris, allowing that municipal government to rebuild its infrastructure and assist thousands of destitute and hurricane-displaced people; and
Whereas, The City of New York also provided funding for the rebuilding of a pediatric hospital left in ruins by one of the worst natural disasters in Dominican history; and
Whereas, In providing this relief and aiding a neighbor in a time of great need, the City of New York demonstrated those characteristics that make our nation so great, and in the process formed a strong bond with the hospitable government of San Pedro de Macoris; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED: That the Council of the City of New York affirms the comity and friendship shared by the Cities of New York and San Pedro de Macoris in the Dominican Republic, and calls for ongoing cooperation and solidarity between the two Cities.