Res. No. 796
Resolution calling upon Congress to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
By Council Members Mealy, Chin, Cumbo, Eugene, Gibson, Mendez, Rose, Williams, Crowley, Menchaca, King, Lancman, Lander, Reynoso, Richards, Constantinides, Levine, Dromm, Torres, Cornegy, Miller, Espinal, Gentile, Palma and Rodriguez
Whereas, The Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) is landmark legislation that was passed in order to protect Americans against discrimination in and limiting access to voting; and
Whereas, The VRA requires states and jurisdictions with a history of voting discrimination to obtain federal approval or “preclearance” before changing their voting practices; and
Whereas, Under Section 5 of the VRA, three counties in New York City (Bronx, Kings, and New York) were required to obtain preclearance; and
Whereas, A Cambridge University study found that in states covered by the VRA, African American voter registration rates increased from 29.3% to 52.1% between 1965 and 1985; and
Whereas, Congress has reaffirmed the ongoing need for the protections guaranteed by VRA by reauthorizing it four times between 1970 and 2006 with bipartisan support; and
Whereas, While the VRA has successfully protected voters from discrimination over the last 50 years, discrimination remains a significant challenge in American elections; and
Whereas, The Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights found that since 2000, there have been more than 148 separate instances of violations of the VRA and some of these violations affect thousands of voters; and
Whereas, The Brennan Center for Justice found that in 2015, state legislatures have introduced over 40 bills that restrict access to registration and voting; and
Whereas, Despite the ongoing need for the VRA, in 2013 the Supreme Court decided in Shelby County v. Holder to overturn a key provision of the act, greatly diminishing the federal government’s ability to protect voters against discrimination and limitations on voting; and
Whereas, Congress should support legislation that would restore key provisions of the VRA; and
Whereas, It is vital to ensure that individuals are not discriminated against in and have access to voting, which is a central tenet of our nation’s democracy; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon Congress to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
LS #4885