Res. No. 720-A
Resolution calling on the New York State Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, A.50/S.1077, known as the New York City Arts Space Act, to promote the development of affordable arts spaces in New York City.
By Council Members Rivera, Louis, Brannan, Hanks, Banks, Sanchez, Joseph and Gutiérrez
Whereas, New York City (NYC) prides itself on being the arts and cultural capital of the United States (U.S.) and attracts millions of visitors from all over the world each year to view the arts and cultural exhibitions and performances presented in NYC’s many museums, theaters, galleries, concert halls, and other performing arts venues; and
Whereas, The arts and cultural sector contributes billions of dollars to the NYC economy annually and supports tens of thousands of jobs, including union and non-union jobs; part-time and full-time jobs; skilled and unskilled jobs; and salaried, hourly, contract, and freelance jobs; and
Whereas, The Social Impact of the Arts Project, a research group at the University of Pennsylvania, reports quantitative evidence of the beneficial social impact of the arts, including on the quality of life in low-income neighborhoods in NYC; and
Whereas, Keeping the arts and cultural community healthy in NYC so that it can produce the many positive effects it is known for requires that artists and arts organizations be able to afford to live and work in NYC; and
Whereas, CreateNYC, the 10-year comprehensive cultural plan for NYC that was adopted in 2017, was condensed into an Action Plan, created by the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) in 2019; and
Whereas, The Action Plan includes “preserve and develop long-term affordable artist workspace and housing” as one of its strategies for carrying out the intent of CreateNYC; and
Whereas, There are a variety of ways that affordable workspace and housing can be created and supported in NYC both through public and private investment and through local and state laws; and
Whereas, Assembly bill A.50, introduced on January 8, 2025, by State Assembly Member Robert Carroll, would amend the State real property tax law to increase access to affordable arts spaces that can be rented or leased by nonprofit tax-exempt arts organizations as studio, rehearsal, or performance spaces or as spaces to produce arts and cultural programming open to the public in eligible NYC multiple dwellings; and
Whereas, Senate companion bill S.1077, introduced on January 8, 2025, by State Senator Julia Salazar, would provide for the same improved access to affordable arts spaces for arts organizations; and
Whereas, A.50/S.1077 follows from New York State’s Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget, which provided for an Affordable Housing Commercial Conversion program for NYC, which provides property tax benefits to building owners and developers who make affordable housing available in the process of converting commercial buildings to residential use; and
Whereas, A.50/S.1077, as an extension of the Affordable Housing Commercial Conversion program, would work through NYC property owners and developers to “develop long-term affordable artist workspace,” just as DCLA’s Action Plan proposes; and
Whereas, A.50/S.1077 details the exact rents that can be charged and the exact financial benefits that can be awarded to property owners and developers over set lengths of time; and
Whereas, If passed, A.50/S.1077 would take effect immediately; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls on the New York State Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, A.50/S.1077, known as the New York City Arts Space Act, to promote the development of affordable arts spaces in New York City.
LS #18019