Res. No. 1254
Resolution urging the New York City Police Commissioner not to appoint former Police Officers and other former employees of the New York City Police Department to the Civilian Complaint Review Board unless they have been retired or permanently separated from the Department for at least three years.
By Council Members Foster, Koppell, Mendez and White Jr.
Whereas, On December 17, 1992 the New York City Council passed Introductory Number 549-A, which was signed into law by the Mayor on January 5, 1993 and became known as Local Law 1 of 1993; and
Whereas, Local Law 1 of 1993 established the modern day Civilian Complaint Review Board in the City of New York; and
Whereas, Local Law 1 states that it is in the interest of the people of the City of New York and the New York City Police Department that the investigation of complaints concerning misconduct by officers of the Department towards members of the public be complete, thorough and impartial; and
Whereas, Local Law 1 further states that these inquiries must be conducted fairly and independently, and in a manner in which the public and the Department have confidence; and
Whereas, The Civilian Complaint Review Board consists of thirteen members of the public appointed by the Mayor, who are residents of the City of New York and are supposed to reflect the diversity of the City's population; and
Whereas, The members of the Board are to be appointed as follows: (i) five members, one from each of the five Boroughs, shall be designated by the City Council; (ii) three members with experience as law enforcement professionals shall be designated by the Police Commissioner; and (iii) the remaining five members shall be selected by the Mayor; and
Whereas, No member of the Board shall hold any other public office or employment, and no members, except those designated by the Police Commissioner, shall have experience as law enforcement professionals, or be former employees of the New York City Police Department; and
Whereas, People who have recently retired from the New York City Police Department may fairly be construed to be biased in favor of the Department and Police Officers; and
Whereas, In order for the Board to be viewed as being non-biased and beyond reproach and to instill confidence in the Board by the people of the City of New York, the Council finds that it is in the City’s best interest to urge the Police Commissioner not to appoint former employees of the Department to the Board unless they have been retired from or permanently separated from the Department for at least three years; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York urges the New York City Police Commissioner not to appoint former Police Officers and other former employees of the New York City Police Department to the Civilian Complaint Review Board unless they have been retired or permanently separated from the Department for at least three years.
LS# 2847