Preconsidered Res. No. 1091
Resolution authorizing the filing of a land use application amending the City Map so as to establish a public place, with a use restriction, on the entirety of Rikers Island.
By The Speaker (Council Member Johnson)
Whereas, On September 3, 2019, the City Planning Commission (CPC) approved with modifications the Borough Based Jails applications (C 190333 PSY; N 190334 ZRY; N 190337 ZRX; C 190335 ZSX; C 190336 ZMX; C 190338 HAX; C 190339 ZSK; C 190116 MMK; C 190340 ZSM; C 190341 PQM; C190252 MMM; C190342 ZSQ; C 190117 MMQ) and filed them with the Council pursuant to section 197-d of the City Charter; and
Whereas, The City’s success in reducing crime and reducing the number of people in jail, coupled with grassroots support for closing the jails on Rikers Island, has allowed the City of New York to commit to creating a modern, humane and safe justice system that provides appropriate conditions for those who work and are detained there; and
Whereas, Closing Rikers Island, and using only the new Borough Based Jails, will strengthen connections to families and communities by enabling people to remain closer to their loved ones and other people; and
Whereas, The new Borough Based Jails will allow better engagement of incarcerated individuals with attorneys, social service providers, and community support so that they will be better positioned to succeed upon leaving the Borough Based Jails facilities; and
Whereas, The Borough Based Jails will improve inmates’ access to natural light and they will provide space for therapeutic programming - resulting in calmer and more productive environments inside the facilities; and
Whereas, Offering quality recreational, health, education, visitation, and housing facilities supports reengagement once formerly incarcerated individuals return to their communities; and
Whereas, The Borough Based Jails will enhance the well-being of uniformed and civilian staff, as well, through improved safety conditions, and
Whereas, The closure of Rikers Island, by establishing it as a public place subject to a use restriction that it shall not be used for incarceration of individuals after December 31, 2026, is critical to achieving the City’s criminal justice program goals and creating a more modern, humane and safe justice system; now, therefore be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York authorizes the filing of a land use application amending the City Map so as to establish a public place, with a use restriction, on the entirety of Rikers Island.
LS 12515