Resolution requesting that the New York State Legislature consider amending applicable State law to allow municipalities to create a Deferred Retirement Options Plan for members of their respective police departments.
Res. No. 1834
Resolution requesting that the New York State Legislature consider amending applicable State law to allow municipalities to create a Deferred Retirement Options Plan for members of their respective police departments.
By The Speaker (Council Member Vallone) and Council Members Malave-Dilan, Marshall, Michels, Pinkett and Stabile; also Council Members Eisland, Fisher, Foster, Harrison, Koslowitz, O'Donovan, Povman, Robles and Rodriguez
Whereas, A Deferred Retirement Option Plan ("DROP") would help municipalities retain veteran officers because it allows eligible police officers to "retire" while actually remaining on the job; and
Whereas, Under a DROP program, when an officer finally separates from the police department, the officer's pension in based on the date he or she entered the DROP program; and
Whereas, By allowing municipalities to retain seasoned veteran police officers, a DROP program saves in training costs associated with hiring new recruits; and
Whereas, While the "retired" officer in a DROP program remains on the job, the municipality would no longer be obligated to pay into the officer's pension; and
Whereas, An officer who enters a DROP program benefits by having his or her pension payment accrued in the Pension Fund and receives a lump sum payment upon final departure from the police department, and since the officer is officially "retired," he/she receives an annual Defined Benefit payment which increases the officer's annual salary; and
Whereas, Reportedly, Many municipalities have implemented DROP programs that are near cost-neutral and in some cases have actually saved the money; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York requests that the New York State
Legislature consider amending applicable State law to allow municipalities to create a Deferred
Retirement Options Plan for members of their respective police departments.
LS # 4074