Application No. C 140065 ZMK submitted by Coney Island Holdings, LLC and the New York City Economic Development Corporation pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter for the amendment of the Zoning Map, Section No. 28d, establishing a Special Coney Island District (CI) bounded by a line perpendicular to the easterly street line of West 23rd Street distant 245 feet northerly (as measured along the street line) from the point of intersection of the easterly street line of West 23rd Street and northerly boundary line of Riegelmann Boardwalk, a line 110 feet easterly of West 23rd Street, a line 150 feet northerly of former Highland View Avenue and its easterly prolongation, the easterly street line of former West 22nd Street, the northerly boundary line of Riegelmann Boardwalk, and West 23rd Street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, Community District 13, Council District 47.