Resolution affirming the designation by the Landmarks Preservation Commission of the SoHo Cast-Iron Historic District Extension, Borough of Manhattan, Designation List No. 429, LP-2362; (L.U. No. 165; 20105716 HKM (N 100418 HKM).
By Council Members Comrie and Lander
WHEREAS, the Landmarks Preservation Commission filed with the Council on May 19, 2010 a copy of its designation dated May 11, 2010 (the "Designation"), of the SoHo Cast-Iron Historic District Extension.
The district boundaries are:
Area I (Western Subsection)
The SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District Extension consists of the properties bounded by a line beginning at the southwest corner of West Broadway and West Houston Street, then extending westerly along the southern curbline of West Houston Street, southerly along the western property lines of 482 and 480 West Broadway, westerly along the northern property line of 474- 478 West Broadway (aka 146 Thompson Street) to the eastern curbline of Thompson Street, southerly along the eastern curbline of Thompson Street to a point formed by its intersection with a line extending westerly from a part of the southern property line of 468-472 West Broadway (aka 138-150 Thompson Street), easterly along a portion of the southern property line of 468-472 West Broadway (aka 13 8-150 Thompson Street), southerly along the western property lines of 460 to 454 West Broadway and 157 Prince Street to the northern curbline of Prince Street, easterly along the northern curbline of Prince Street to a point formed by its intersection with a line extending northerly from the western property line of 150-154 Prince Street (aka 43 6-442 West Broadway), southerly across Prince Street and along the western property line of 150-154 Prince Street (aka 436-442 West Broadway), westerly along the northern property line of 430-436 West Broadway, southerly along the western property line of 430-436 West Broadway, westerly along the northern property line of 426-428 West Broadway (aka 102-104 Thompson Street) to the eastern curbline of Thompson Street, southerly along the eastern curbline of Thompson Street to a point formed by its intersection with a line extending westerly from the southern property line of 426-428 West Broadway (aka 102-104 Thompson Street), easterly along the southern property line of 426-428 West Broadway (aka 102-104 Thompson Street), southerly along the western property lines of 424 and 422 West Broadway, westerly along the northern property line of 418-420 West Broadway (aka 94-96 Thompson Street) to the eastern curbline of Thompson Street, southerly along the eastern curbline of Thompson Street to a point formed by its intersection with a line extending westerly from the southern property line of 418-420 West Broadway (aka 94-96 Thompson Street), easterly along the southern property line of 418-420 West Broadway (aka 94-96 Thompson Street), southerly along the western property lines of 414-416 West Broadway and 169 Spring Street to the northern curbline of Spring Street, easterly along the northern curbline of Spring Street to a point formed by its intersection with a line extending northerly from the western property line of 166 Spring Street (aka 402-404 West Broadway), southerly across Spring Street and along the western property line of 166 Spring Street (aka 402-404 West Broadway), westerly along the northern property line of 400 West Broadway, southerly along the western property lines of 400 to 390 West Broadway, easterly along the southern property line of 390 West Broadway, southerly along the western property lines of 386-388 to 378-3 80 West Broadway and a portion of the western property line of 372-376 West Broadway (aka 504-506 Broome Street), easterly along a portion of the southern property line of 372-376 West Broadway (aka 504-506 Broome Street), southerly along a portion of the western property line of 372-376 West Broadway (aka 504-506 Broome Street) and across Broome Street (Watts Street) to the southern curbline of Broome Street (Watts Street), westerly along said curbline to a point formed by its intersection with a line extending northerly from the western property line of 505 Broome Street (aka 366- 368 West Broadway and 1-3 Watts Street), southerly along the western property line of 505 Broome Street (aka 366-368 West Broadway and 1-3 Watts Street), westerly long a portion of the northern property line of 362-364 West Broadway, southerly along a portion of the western property line of 362-364 West Broadway, westerly long a portion of the northern property line of 362-364 West Broadway, southerly along a portion of the western property line of 362-364 West Broadway, easterly along the southern property line of 362-364 West Broadway to the centerline of West Broadway, northerly along the centerline of West Broadway to a point formed by its intersection with a line extending easterly from the southern curbline of West Houston Street, then westerly to the point of the beginning.
Area II (Eastern Subsection)
The SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District Extension consists of the properties bounded by a line beginning at the southwest corner of Lafayette Street and East Houston Street, then extending southerly along the western curbline of Lafayette Street, across Prince Street and following the curve of Lafayette Street to the northwest corner of Lafayette Street and Spring Street, westerly along the northern curbline of Spring Street to a point formed by its intersection with a line extending northerly from the eastern property line of 72-78 Spring Street (aka 65-7 1 Crosby Street), southerly across Spring Street and along the eastern property line of 72-78 Spring Street (aka 65-7 1 Crosby Street) and a portion of the eastern property line of 61-63 Crosby Street, easterly along a portion of the northern property line of 61-63 Crosby Street, southerly along a portion of the eastern property line of 61-63 Crosby Street, westerly along the southern property line of 61-63 Crosby Street, southerly along the eastern property lines of 59 to 44-47 Crosby Street, easterly along the northerly property line of 416-422 Broome Street (aka 202 Lafayette Street) to the western curbline of Lafayette Street, northerly along said curbline to a point formed by its intersection with a line extending westerly from the southern curbline of Kenmare Street, easterly across Lafayette Street and along the southern curbline of Kenmare Street to the southwest corner of Kenmare Street and Cleveland Place, southerly along the western curbline of Cleveland Place, across Broome Street, and continuing southerly along the western curbline of Centre Street to the northwest corner of Centre Street and Grand Street, westerly along the northern curbline of Grand Street and across Lafayette Street to the northwest corner of Grand Street and Lafayette Street, southerly across Grand Street and along the western curbline of Lafayette Street to a point formed by its intersection with a line extending easterly from the southern property line of 158-164 Lafayette Street (aka 151 Grand Street), westerly along the southern property line of 158-164 Lafayette Street (aka 151 Grand Street), southerly along the eastern property lines of 13-17 to 1 Crosby Street (aka 28 Howard Street), across Howard Street and continuing southerly along the eastern property line of 19 Howard Street and a portion of the eastern property line of 21-23 Howard Street (aka 261-267 Canal Street, easterly along a portion of the northern property line 257 Canal Street, southerly along a portion of the eastern property line of 257 Canal Street, easterly along a portion of the northern property line of 257 Canal Street and the northern property line of 255 Canal Street, southerly along the eastern property line of 255 Canal Street to the centerline of Canal Street, westerly along the centerline of Canal Street to the centerline of Broadway, northerly along the centerline of Broadway to the centerline of Howard Street, easterly along the centerline of Howard Street to the centerline of Crosby Street, northerly along the centerline of Crosby Street to the southeast corner of Crosby Street and East Houston Street, easterly along the southern curbline of East Houston Street to the point of beginning, as an historic district, Community District 2, Borough of Manhattan, pursuant to Section 3020 of the New York City Charter;
WHEREAS, the Designation is subject to review by the Council pursuant to Section 3020 of the City Charter;
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission submitted to the Council on July 20, 2010 its report on the Designation dated July 14, 2010 (the "Report");
WHEREAS, upon due notice, the Council held a public hearing on the Designation on August 23, 2010; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the land use implications and other policy issues relating to the Designation;
Pursuant to Section 3020 of the City Charter, and on the basis of the information and materials contained in the Designation and the Report, the Council affirms the Designation.
Office of the City Clerk, }
The City of New York, } ss.:
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution passed by The Council of The City of New York on August 25, 2010, on file in this office.
City Clerk, Clerk of The Council