File #: Res 0820-2025    Version: * Name: Lauren Stossel, New York City Board of Corrections
Type: Resolution Status: Committee
Committee: Committee on Rules, Privileges and Elections
On agenda: 3/26/2025
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: Resolution approving the appointment by the Council of Lauren Stossel as a member of the New York City Board of Corrections.
Sponsors: Keith Powers
Council Member Sponsors: 1
Attachments: 1. Res. No. 820, 2. March 26, 2025 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 3. Committee Report 4/1/25

Res. No. 820


Resolution approving the appointment by the Council of Lauren Stossel as a member of the New York City Board of Corrections.


By Council Member Powers


RESOLVED, Pursuant to Section 626 of the New York City Charter, the Council hereby approves the appointment of Lauren Stossel, a resident of Brooklyn, as a member of the New York City Board of Corrections to serve the remainder of a six-year term that expires on February 1, 2029.