Resolution approving the decision of the City Planning Commission on Application No. N 080425 ZRR, for amendment of the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York relating to Article I, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5 and Article X, Chapter 8 to establish the Special St. George District (L.U. No. 880), Borough of Staten Island.
By Council Members Katz and Avella
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission filed with the Council on September 12, 2008 its decision dated September 10, 2008 (the "Decision"), pursuant to Section 201 of the New York City Charter, regarding an application submitted by the Department of City Planning, for an amendment of the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, relating to Article I, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5 and Article X, Chapter 8 to establish the Special St. George District (Application No. N 080425 ZRR), Community District 1, Borough of Staten Island (the "Application");
WHEREAS, the Application is related to Application Number C 080426 ZMR (L.U. No. 881), an amendment of the Zoning Map;
WHEREAS, the Decision is subject to review and action by the Council pursuant to Section 197-d(b)(1) of the City Charter;
WHEREAS, upon due notice, the Council held a public hearing on the Decision and Application on October 16, 2008;
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the land use implications and other policy issues relating to the Decision and Application; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the relevant environmental issues and the Negative Declaration, issued on May 19, 2008 (CEQR No. 08DCP070R);
Subsequent to the issuance of the Negative Declaration, the CPC modified the action to require additional landscaping in connection with residential uses; require setbacks on each side of a point tower; and require a base height of 30 to 40 feet for developments that include a tower, which would be lower than originally proposed. The modified application was analyzed in a technical memorandum dated September 10, 2008, which found that the conclusions of the EAS would remain unchanged and that no significant adverse impacts would result. Therefore, the Negative Declaration issued on May 19, 2008 remains in effect.
The Council finds that the action described herein will have no significant effect on the environment.
Pursuant to Sections 197-d and 200 of the City Charter and on the basis of the Decision and Application the Council approves the Decision.
The Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, effective as of December 15, 1961, and as subsequently amended, is further amended as follows:
Matter underlined is new, to be added;
Matter within # # is defined in Section 12-10;
Matter in strikeout is old, to be deleted;
* * * indicates where unchanged text appears in the Zoning Resolution
Establishment of Districts
In order to carry out the purposes and provisions of this Resolution, the following districts are hereby established:
* * *
Establishment of the Special South Richmond Development District
In order to carry out the special purposes of this Resolution as set forth in Article X, Chapter 7, the #Special South Richmond Development District# is hereby established.
Establishment of the Special St. George District
In order to carry out the special purposes of this Resolution as set forth in Article X, Chapter 8, the #Special St. George District# is hereby established.
* * *
* * *
Special South Richmond Development District
* * *
Special St. George District
The “Special St. George District” is a Special Purpose District designated by the letters “SG” in which special regulations set forth in Article X, Chapter 8, apply. The #Special St. George District# appears on the #zoning maps# superimposed on other districts and its regulations supplement or supersede those of the districts on which it is superimposed.
Special Stapleton Waterfront District
* * *
Special Zoning Districts Where Certain Sidewalk Cafes are Permitted
#Enclosed# or #unenclosed sidewalk cafes# shall be permitted, as indicated, in the following special zoning districts, where allowed by the underlying zoning. #Small sidewalk cafes#, however, may be located on #streets# or portions of #streets# within special zoning districts pursuant to the provisions of Section 14-43 (Locations Where Only Small Sidewalk Cafes Are Permitted).
* * *
Staten Island |
#Enclosed Sidewalk Cafe# |
#Unenclosed Sidewalk Cafe# |
South Richmond Development District |
Yes |
Yes |
St. George District |
Yes |
Yes |
Stapleton Waterfront District |
Yes |
Yes |
* * *
Chapter 5
Residential Conversion of Existing Non-Residential Buildings
* * *
Applicability within Special Districts
* * *
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply in the #Special Downtown Jamaica District# as modified by Article XI, Chapter 5 (Special Downtown Jamaica District).
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply in the #Special St. George District# as modified by Article X, Chapter 8 (Special St. George District).
* * *
* * *
All text is new; it is not underlined
Chapter 8
Special St. George District
The "Special St. George District" established in this Resolution is designed to promote and protect public health, safety and general welfare. These general goals include among others, the following specific purposes, to:
(a) build upon St. George’s existing strengths as a civic center, neighborhood and transit hub by providing rules that will bolster a thriving, pedestrian friendly business and residence district;
(b) establish zoning regulations that facilitate continuous ground floor retail and the critical mass needed to attract and sustain a broader mix of uses;
(c) require a tall, slender building form that capitalizes on St. George’s hillside topography and maintains waterfront vistas;
(d) encourage the reuse and reinvestment of vacant office buildings;
(e) accommodate an appropriate level of off-street parking while reducing its visual impact: and
(f) promote the most desirable use of land and building development in accordance with the District Plan for St George and thus conserve the value of land and buildings and thereby protect the City’s tax revenues.
Definitions specifically applicable to this Chapter are set forth in this Section and may modify definitions set forth in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS). Where matter in italics is defined both in Section 12-10 and in this Chapter, the definitions in this Chapter shall govern.
Commercial Street
A “commercial street” shall be a #street#, or portion thereof, where special regulations pertaining to ground floor #uses# on #commercial streets#, pursuant to Section 108-11, apply to #zoning lots# fronting upon such #streets#. #Commercial streets# are designated on Map 2 in the Appendix to this Chapter.
General Provisions
In harmony with the general purpose and intent of this Resolution and the general purposes of the #Special St. George District#, the regulations of this Chapter shall apply to all #developments#, #enlargements#, alterations and changes of #use# within the #Special St. George District#. The regulations of all other Chapters of this Resolution are applicable, except as superseded, supplemented or modified by the provisions of this Chapter. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Chapter and other regulations of this Resolution, the provisions of this Chapter shall control.
However, the regulations of this Chapter shall not apply to any property that is the subject of a site selection for a court house and public parking garage pursuant to application C080379 PSR. Such property shall be governed by the underlying regulations of this Resolution.
Furthermore, any property that is the subject of a site selection and acquisition for the use of a lot for open parking pursuant to application C080378 PCR may be governed by the regulations of this Chapter or the underlying regulations of this Resolution for a period of two years after (date of enactment). After (date of enactment plus two years), such property shall be subject to the regulations of this Chapter.
District Plan and Maps
The regulations of this Chapter are designed to implement the #Special St. George District# Plan.
The District Plan includes the following four maps:
Map 1 Special St. George District and Subdistricts
Map 2 Commercial Streets
Map 3 Minimum and Maximum Base Heights
Map 4 Tower Restriction Areas
The maps are located in the Appendix to this Chapter and are hereby incorporated and made a part of this Resolution. They are incorporated for the purpose of specifying locations where special regulations and requirements set forth in this Chapter apply.
In order to carry out the purposes and provisions of this Chapter, the #Special St. George District# shall include two Subdistricts: the Upland Subdistrict and the Waterfront Subdistrict, as shown on Map 1 (Special St George District and Subdistricts) in the Appendix to this Chapter.
Applicability of District Regulations
Applicability of Article I, Chapter 1
Within the #Special St. George District#, Section 11-15 (Environmental Requirements) shall apply, except that prior to issuing a building permit for any #development#, or for an #enlargement#, #extension# or a change of #use#, on a lot that has an (E) designation for hazardous material contamination, noise or air quality, the Department of Buildings shall be furnished with a report from the Department of Environmental Protection of the City of New York, stating:
(a) in the case of an (E) designation for hazardous material contamination, that environmental requirements related to the (E) designation have been met for that lot; or
(b) in the case of an (E) designation for noise or air quality, that the plans and drawings for such #development# or #enlargement# will result in compliance with the environmental requirements related to the (E) designation.
Applicability of Article 1, Chapter 2
The definition of “lower density growth management area” in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS) shall be modified to exclude all districts within the #Special St George District#.
Applicability of Article 1, Chapter 5
The provisions of Article 1, Chapter 5 (Residential Conversion of Existing Non-Residential Buildings), shall apply in the #Special St. George District#, as modified in this Section. The conversion to #dwelling units# of non-#residential buildings#, or portions thereof, erected prior to January 1, 1977, shall be permitted subject to Sections 15-11 (Bulk Regulations), 15-12 (Open Space Equivalent) and 15-30 (Minor Modifications), paragraph (b). Uses in #buildings# erected prior to January 1, 1977, containing both #residential# and non-#residential uses# shall not be subject to the provisions of Section 32-42 (Location within Buildings)
Ground Floor Uses on Commercial Streets
Map 2 (Commercial Streets) in the Appendix to this Chapter specifies locations where the special ground floor #use# regulations of this Section apply.
#Uses# on the ground floor of a #building# shall be limited to #commercial uses#. The level of the finished floor of such ground floor shall be located not higher than two feet above nor lower than two feet below the as-built level of the adjoining #street#.
#Commercial uses# shall have a depth of at least 30 feet from the #street wall# of the #building# facing the #commercial street# and shall extend along the entire width of the #building# except for lobbies and entrances to #accessory# parking spaces, provided such lobbies and entrances do not occupy more than 25 percent of the #street wall# width of the #building#. Enclosed parking spaces, or parking spaces covered by a #building#, including such spaces #accessory# to #residences#, shall be permitted to occupy the ground floor provided they are located beyond 30 feet of the #street wall# of the #building# facing the #commercial street#.
Transparency Requirements
Any #street wall# of a #building# containing ground floor #commercial# or #community facility uses#, excluding #schools#, shall be glazed with transparent materials which may include show windows, glazed transoms or glazed portions of doors. Such glazed area shall occupy at least 50 percent of the area of each such ground floor #street wall# measured to a height of 10 feet above the level of the adjoining sidewalk or public access area.
Location of Uses in Mixed Buildings
The provisions of Section 32-422 (Location of floors occupied by non-residential uses) are modified to permit #residential uses# on the same #story# as a non-#residential use# provided no access exists between such #uses# at any level containing #residences# and provided any non-#residential uses# are not located directly over any #residential uses#. However, such non-#residential uses# may be located over a #residential use# by authorization of the City Planning Commission upon a finding that sufficient separation of #residential uses# from non-#residential uses# exists within the #building#.
Security Gates
Within the #Special St. George District#, all security gates that are swung, drawn or lowered to secure commercial or community facility premises shall, when closed, permit visibility of at least 75 percent of the area covered by such gate when viewed from the #street# or publicly accessible area, except that this provision shall not apply to entrances or exits to parking garages.
Maximum Floor Area Ratio
In C4-2 Districts within the Upland Subdistrict, the underlying #floor area ratio# and #open space# regulations shall not apply. In lieu thereof, the maximum #floor area ratio# for any #use#, separately or in combination, shall be 3.4, and no #floor area# bonuses shall apply, except that for #zoning lots# with less than 10,000 square feet of #lot area# without frontage on a #commercial street#, the maximum #floor area ratio# for any #use#, separately or in combination, shall be 2.2, and no #floor area# bonuses shall apply.
Maximum Lot Coverage
In C4-2 Districts within the Upland Subdistrict, the underlying #open space ratio# provisions shall not apply. In lieu thereof, the maximum permitted #lot coverage# for a #residential building#, or portion thereof, shall be 70 percent for an #interior# or #through lot# and 80 percent for a #corner lot#. However, no maximum #lot coverage# shall apply to any #corner lot# of 5,000 square feet or less.
Rear Yard Equivalents
In C4-2 Districts within the Upland Subdistrict, the #rear yard equivalent# regulations for #residential uses# on #through lots# or the #through lot# portion of a #zoning lot# are modified as set forth in this Section. Such #yards# shall be provided within 45 feet of the centerline of the #through lot# or #through lot# portion, and the level of such #yards# may be provided at any level not higher than the floor level of the lowest #story# containing #dwelling units# that face such #yards#. Furthermore, no #rear yard equivalent# regulations shall apply to any #through lot# or #through lot# portion of a #zoning lot# on which a tower is #developed# or #enlarged# pursuant to Section 108-35.
The provisions of this Section, inclusive, shall apply to all #buildings# within the Upland Subdistrict.
In C1-2 Districts mapped within R3-2 Districts, all #buildings# shall comply with the height and setback regulations of R4 Districts, except that the maximum perimeter wall height shall be 26 feet, and the #street wall# location provisions of Section 108-32 (Street Wall Location) shall apply.
The underlying height and setback regulations of C4-2 Districts within the Upland Subdistrict shall not apply. In lieu thereof, the height and setback regulations of this Section, inclusive, shall apply.
In the Waterfront Subdistrict, the underlying height and setback regulations of Section 62-34 (Height and Setback Regulations on Waterfront Blocks) shall apply, except as modified in Section 108-31 (Rooftop Regulations).
All heights shall be measured from the #base plane#, except that wherever a minimum or maximum base height is specified for #zoning lots# with multiple #street frontages#, such heights shall be determined separately for each #street# frontage, with each height measured from the final grade of the sidewalk fronting such #street wall#.
Rooftop Regulations
The provisions of this Section shall apply to all #buildings# in C4-2 Districts within the Upland and Waterfront Subdistricts.
(a) Permitted obstructions
The provisions of Section 33-42 shall apply to all #buildings#, except that elevator or stair bulkheads, roof water tanks, cooling towers or other mechanical equipment (including enclosures), may penetrate a maximum height limit, provided that either:
(1) the product, in square feet, of the #aggregate width of street walls# of such obstructions facing each #street# frontage, times their average height, in feet, shall not exceed a figure equal to eight times the width, in feet, of the #street wall# of the #building# facing such frontage; or
(2) the #lot coverage# of all such obstructions does not exceed 20 percent of the #lot coverage# of the #building#, and the height of all such obstructions does not exceed 40 feet. In addition, dormers may penetrate a maximum base height in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) of Section 23-621 (Permitted obstructions in certain districts).
(b) Screening requirements for mechanical equipment
For all #developments# and #enlargements#, and conversions of non-#residential buildings# to #residences#, all mechanical equipment located on any roof of a #building or other structure# shall be fully enclosed, except that openings in such enclosure shall be permitted only to the extent necessary for ventilation and exhaust.
Street Wall Location
(a) Street walls along commercial streets
For #zoning lots# with #commercial street# frontage, the #street wall# of any #development# or #enlargement# shall extend along at least 70 percent of the #commercial street# frontage of the #zoning lot# and be located within eight feet of the #street line# of the #commercial street#, or sidewalk widening line, whichever is applicable.
(b) Street walls along non-commercial streets
For #zoning lots# without #commercial street# frontage, the #street wall# of any #development# or #enlargement# shall extend along at least 50 percent of the #street# frontage of the #zoning lot# and be located within eight feet of the #street line# or sidewalk widening line, whichever is applicable .
In C4-2 Districts within the Upland Subdistrict, such #street walls# shall rise without setback to the minimum height specified on Map 3 (Minimum and Maximum Base Heights) in the Appendix to this Chapter, or the height of the #building#, whichever is less. When a #building# fronts on two intersecting #streets# for which different minimum base heights apply, the higher base height may wrap around to the #street# with the lower base height for a distance of up to 100 feet.
Maximum Base Height
The maximum height of a #building or other structure# before setback shall be as specified on Map 3 (Minimum and Maximum Base Heights) in the Appendix to this Chapter. Where a maximum base height of 60 feet applies as shown on Map 3, such maximum base height shall be reduced to 40 feet for #zoning lots developed# or #enlarged# pursuant to the tower provisions of Section 108-35. When a #building# fronts on two intersecting #streets# for which different maximum base heights apply, the higher base height may wrap around to the #street# with the lower base height for a distance of up to 100 feet. All portions of #buildings# above such maximum base heights shall provide a setback at least ten feet in depth measured from any #street wall# facing a #wide street# and 15 feet in depth from any #street wall# facing a #narrow street#.
In C4-2 Districts within the Upland Subdistrict , dormers may exceed the maximum base height in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) of Section 23-621 (Permitted obstructions in certain districts). However, on any #zoning lot# that includes a tower #developed# or #enlarged# pursuant to Section 108-35, dormers shall not be permitted.
Maximum Building Height
In C4-2 Districts within the Upland Subdistrict, for #buildings# that are not #developed# or #enlarged# pursuant to the tower provisions of Section 108-35 (Towers), the maximum #building# height shall be 70 feet, except that on Bay Street where there is a maximum base height of 85 feet, the maximum #building height# also shall be 85 feet.
In C4-2 Districts within the Upland Subdistrict for #buildings# that are #developed# or #enlarged# pursuant to the tower provisions of Section 108-35, the maximum height of the tower portion of a #building# shall be 200 feet, and the height of all other portions of the #building# shall not exceed the applicable maximum base height. Where a maximum base height of 60 feet applies as shown on Map 3 (Minimum and Maximum Base Heights) in the Appendix to this Chapter, such maximum base height shall be reduced to 40 feet for #zoning lots developed# or #enlarged# pursuant to the tower provisions of Section 108-35.
The tower provisions of this Section shall apply, as an option, to any #zoning lot# with a #lot area# of at least 10,000 square feet. Any portion of a #building developed# or #enlarged# on such #zoning lots# that exceeds the applicable maximum base height shall be constructed as either a point tower or a broad tower, as follows:
(a) Point tower
(1) Tower lot coverage and maximum length
Each #story# located entirely above a height of 70 feet shall not exceed a gross area of 6,800 square feet. The outermost walls of each #story# shall be inscribed within a rectangle, and the maximum length of any side of such rectangle shall be 85 feet.
(2) Tower top articulation
The highest three #stories#, or as many #stories# as are located entirely above a height of 70 feet, whichever is less, shall have a #lot coverage# of at least 50 percent of the #story# immediately below such #stories#, and a maximum #lot coverage# of 80 percent of the #story# immediately below such #stories#. Such reduced #lot coverage# shall be achieved by one or more setbacks on each face of the tower, where at least one setback on each tower face has a depth of at least four feet, and a width that, individually or in the aggregate, is equal to at least 10 percent of the width of such respective tower face. For the purposes of this paragraph, (a) (2), each tower shall have four tower faces, with each face being the side of a rectangle within which the outermost walls of the highest #story# not subject to the reduced #lot coverage# provisions have been inscribed. The required setbacks shall be measured from the outermost walls of the #building# facing each tower face. Required setback areas may overlap.
(b) Broad tower
Each #story# located entirely above a height of 70 feet shall not exceed a gross area of 8,800 square feet. The outermost walls of each such #story# shall be inscribed within a rectangle, and the maximum length of any side of such rectangle shall be 135 feet. The upper #stories# shall provide setbacks with a minimum depth of 15 feet measured from the east facing wall of the #story# immediately below. Such setbacks shall be provided at the level of three different #stories#, or as many #stories# as are located entirely above a height of 70 feet, whichever is less. For towers with at least six #stories# located entirely above a height of 70 feet, the lowest level at which such setbacks may be provided is 100 feet, and the highest #story# shall be located entirely within the western half of the tower.
(c) Orientation of all towers
The maximum length of the outermost walls of any side of each #story# of a #building# facing the #shoreline# that is entirely above a height of 70 feet shall not exceed 80 feet For the purposes of this Section, the #street line# of St. Marks Place shall be considered to be a line parallel to the #shoreline#, and any side of such rectangle facing St. Marks Place from which lines perpendicular to the #street line# of St Marks Place may be drawn, regardless of intervening structures, properties or #streets#, shall not exceed 80 feet.
(d) Location of all towers
Any portion of a #building# that exceeds a height of 70 feet shall be no closer to a #side lot line# than eight feet, and any #story# of a #building# that is entirely above a height of 70 feet shall be located within 25 feet of a #street line# or sidewalk widening line, where applicable.
(e) Maximum tower height
The maximum height of any #building# utilizing the tower provisions of this Section shall be 200 feet. The height of the tower portion of the #building# shall be measured from the #base plane#.
(f) Tower and base integration
All portions of a #building# that exceed the applicable maximum base height set forth in Section 108-33 shall be set back at least 10 feet from the #street wall# of a #building# facing a #wide street# and at least 15 feet from the #street wall# of a #building# facing a #narrow street#. However, up to 50 percent of the #street wall# of the portion of the #building# located above a height of 70 feet need not be set back from the #street wall# of the #building#, and may rise without setback from grade, provided such portion of the #building# is set back at least 10 feet from a #wide street line# or sidewalk widening line, where applicable, and at least 15 feet from a #narrow street line# or sidewalk widening line, where applicable.
(g) Tower exclusion areas
No #building# may exceed a height of 70 feet within the areas designated on Map 4 (Tower Restriction Areas) in the Appendix to this Chapter.
Sidewalks with a depth of at least 12 feet, measured perpendicular to the curb of a #street#, shall be provided along the entire #street# frontage of a #zoning lot#. In locations where the width of the sidewalk within the #street# is less than 12 feet, a sidewalk widening shall be provided on the #zoning lot# so that the combined width of the sidewalk within the #street# and the sidewalk widening equals 12 feet. However, existing #buildings# to remain on the #zoning lot# need not be removed in order to comply with this requirement. All sidewalk widenings shall be improved to Department of Transportation standards for sidewalks, shall be at the same level as the adjoining public sidewalks, and shall be accessible to the public at all times.
Planting Areas
The area of the #zoning lot# between the #street line# or sidewalk widening line, where applicable, and the #street wall# of the #building# shall be planted, except at the entrances to and exits from the #building#, or adjacent to #commercial uses# fronting on the #street#.
In the #Special St George District#, the underlying regulations governing permitted and required #accessory# off-street parking spaces are modified as set forth in this Section.
Required off-street parking and loading
In C4-2 Districts, the following special regulations shall apply:
a) Residential uses
One off-street parking space shall be provided for each #dwelling unit# created after (effective date of amendment), including any #dwelling units# within #buildings# converted pursuant to Article 1, Chapter 5 (Residential Conversion of Existing Non-Residential Buildings). However, where the total number of required spaces is five or less, or, for conversions, where the total number of required spaces is 20 or less, no parking shall be required, except that such waiver provision shall not apply to any #zoning lot# subdivided after (effective date of amendment). The provisions of Section 73-46 (Waiver of Requirements for Conversions) shall apply to conversions where more than 20 parking spaces are required.
(b) Commercial uses
For #commercial uses#, the off-street parking and loading requirements of a C4-3 District shall apply, except that food stores with 2,000 or more square feet of #floor area# per establishment shall require one parking space per 400 square feet of #floor area#, and, for places of assembly and hotels, the off-street parking and loading requirements of a C4-2 District shall apply.
(c) Community facility use
For ambulatory diagnostic or treatment health care facilities listed in Use Group 4, the off-street parking requirements of a C4-3 District shall apply.
Special Floor Area Regulations
The #floor area# of a #building# shall not include floor space used for off-street parking spaces provided in any #story# that complies with the provisions of Section 108-54 (Location of Accessory Off-street Parking Spaces).
Use of Parking Facilities
All #accessory# off-street parking spaces may be provided within parking facilities, including #public parking garages#, on #zoning lots# other than the same #zoning lot# as the #use# to which they are #accessory#, provided:
(a) such parking facilities are located within the #Special St. George District#;
(b) the off-street parking space within such facility is counted only once in meeting the parking requirements for a specific #zoning lot#; and
(c) the number of #accessory# parking spaces within such facility shall not exceed the combined number of spaces permitted on each #zoning lot# using such facility, less the number of spaces provided on each #zoning lot# using such facility.
Location of Accessory Off-street Parking Spaces
No open parking areas shall be located between the #street wall# of a #building# and the #street line#, and no open parking area shall front upon a #commercial street#. All open parking areas, regardless of the number of parking spaces, shall comply with the perimeter screening requirements of Section 37-921.
All off-street parking spaces within structures shall be located within facilities that, except for entrances and exits, are:
(a) entirely below the level of each #street# upon which such facility fronts; or
(b) located, at every level above-grade, behind commercial, community facility or #residential floor area# so that no portion of such parking facility is visible from adjoining #streets#. The minimum depth of any such #floor area# shall be 30 feet, except that such depth may be reduced to 15 feet where the #street wall# containing such #floor area# fronts upon a #street# with a slope in excess of 11 percent; and
(c) no parking shall be permitted on the roof of such facilities.
Special Requirements for Roofs of Parking Facilities
The roof of a facility containing off-street parking spaces, not otherwise covered by a #building#, which is larger than 400 square feet shall be landscaped. No parking spaces shall be provided on the roof of such facility. Up to five percent of such roof area may be used for mechanical equipment, provided that such mechanical equipment is screened from view by a fence which is at least 75 percent opaque or by at least three feet of dense planting. No less than 75 percent of such roof area shall be accessible for the recreational use of the occupants of the building in which it is located; and no more than 25 percent may be accessible solely from an adjacent #dwelling unit#. Hard surfaced areas shall not cover more than 60 percent of such roof area.
Curb Cuts on Commercial Streets
No curb cuts shall be permitted on #commercial streets# as shown on Map 2 in the Appendix to this Chapter. However, if access to a required #accessory# parking facility or loading berth is not possible because of such restriction, a curb cut may be allowed if the Chairperson off the City Planning Commission certifies to the Commissioner of Buildings that such location is the only possible location for the facility or loading berth, is not hazardous to traffic safety, is at least 50 feet from the intersection of two #street lines#, and is constructed so as to have minimal effect on the streetscape.
Accessory Indoor Bicycle Parking
A designated area for #accessory# bicycle parking shall be provided for #developments# or #enlargements# with #residential# or #commercial uses#. Such facility shall be enclosed, accessible and secure. Floor space used for #accessory# bicycle parking located below a height of 33 feet, including #accessory# facilities, such as lockers, showers and circulation space, shall not be included in the definition of #floor area#.
(a) For #residential developments# or #enlargements# with ten or more units per #building# or #building segment#, one bicycle parking space shall be provided for every two #dwelling units#, up to a maximum of 200 bicycle parking spaces.
(b) For commercial office #developments# or #enlargements# with 10,000 square feet or more of office #floor area#, one bicycle parking space shall be provided for every 5,000 square feet of office space, up to a maximum of 200 bicycle parking spaces.
(c) For commercial #developments# or enlargements# with 10,000 square feet or more of retail or service #floor area#, one bicycle parking space shall be provided for every per 10,000 square feet of retail space, up to a maximum of 100 bicycle parking spaces.
Office of the City Clerk, }
The City of New York, } ss.:
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution passed by The Council of The City of New York on October 23, 2008, on file in this office.
City Clerk, Clerk of The Council