Application number G 250066 HHY (H+H Operating Agreement) submitted by the New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services pursuant to Section 7387(1) of the Unconsolidated Laws of the State of New York known as the New York City Health and Hospitals (“H+H”) Enabling Act, for the transfer of the following properties from the City of New York (the “City”) to H+H, pursuant to the terms of the lease agreement by and between City and H+H dated June 16, 1970: Manhattan Block 270, Lot 32; Manhattan Block 2060, Lot 1; Bronx Block 3327, Lots 73 and 200; Bronx Block 2489, Lot 60; Bronx Block 2303, Lot 58; Bronx Block 2269, Lot 21; Brooklyn Block 2039, Lots 71, 81, and 101; Brooklyn Block 1723, Lots 1, 2, and 3; Brooklyn Block 3738, Lot 15.