File #: Res 0226-2024    Version: * Name: Amend the Hudson River Park Trust Act by banning non-essential use of its heliport.
Type: Resolution Status: Laid Over in Committee
Committee: Committee on Economic Development
On agenda: 3/7/2024
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: Resolution calling on the New York State Legislature to amend the Hudson River Park Trust Act by banning non-essential use of its heliport.
Sponsors: Gale A. Brewer, Robert F. Holden, Alexa Avilés, Carlina Rivera , Crystal Hudson, Farah N. Louis
Council Member Sponsors: 6
Attachments: 1. Res. No. 226, 2. March 7, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 3. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 3-7-24, 4. Committee Report 4/16/24, 5. Hearing Testimony 4/16/24, 6. Hearing Transcript 4/16/24, 7. Minutes of the Stated Meeting - March 7, 2024

Res. No. 226


Resolution calling on the New York State Legislature to amend the Hudson River Park Trust Act by banning non-essential use of its heliport.


By Council Members Brewer, Holden, Avilés, Rivera, Hudson and Louis


Whereas, In 1998, the New York State legislature passed and then-Governor Pataki signed the Hudson River Park Act (“HRPA”), which formally designated parkland along the City’s westside; and

Whereas, Hudson River Park is a 550-acre riverfront park and estuarine sanctuary spanning four miles along the west side of Manhattan, from the northern boundary of Battery Park City in Tribeca to W 59 St. in Hell’s Kitchen; and

Whereas, Hudson River Park attracts over 17 million visits annually and offers numerous athletic and recreational activities including baseball, basketball, running, cycling and kayaking; and

Whereas, In addition to the creation of Hudson River Park, HRPA established a New York State public benefit corporation called the Hudson River Park Trust to continue the planning, construction, management and operation of the park; and

Whereas, Among Hudson River Park’s management responsibilities is the operation of the frequently trafficked West 30th Street heliport; and

Whereas, Helicopter-related noise complaints to New York City’s 3-1-1 increased from 10,359 in 2020 to 25,821 in 2021 with a vast majority of the complaints coming from Manhattan; and

Whereas, During the past 5-years, 3-1-1 has experienced a 2,329% increase in noise complaints related to helicopters; and

Whereas, New York City residents are exposed to noise and pollutants from over a thousand monthly helicopter flights; and

Whereas, According to the Natural Resources Defense Council's study "Needless Noise: The Negative Impacts of Helicopters Traffic in New York City and the Tri-State Region," exposure to frequent overhead flights are associated with a number of health effects in children, including high blood pressure, neuroendocrinological issues, impaired psychological and cognitive functions, learned helplessness, poorer long-term memory, and diminished reading comprehension; and

Whereas, Helicopters emit air pollutants such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxide and formaldehyde, which are known to cause asthma, cancer and other illnesses; and

Whereas, In addition to the health concerns there have been several notable helicopter related accidents over the City's airspace, raising congestion and safety issues; and

Whereas, In May of 2019, a charter helicopter crashed into the Hudson River while the pilot, who suffered a hand injury, was moving the aircraft from the fueling area to the customer section of the Hudson River Park’s West 30th Street Heliport; and

Whereas, Parks and heliports, especially one that is heavily trafficked as the West 30th Street heliport, are not meant for co-location; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls on the New York State Legislature to amend the Hudson River Park Trust Act by banning non-essential use of its heliport.

Session 13

LS #9349



Session 12


LS 9349
