Int 1194-2016
| * | Steven Matteo | | | Clarifying the responsibilities of youth leagues with respect to defibrillators. | Introduction | This bill would amend the recently-passed law that will require certain youth baseball leagues to make automated external defibrillators available at games and practices to clarify that this requirement only extends to leagues that receive a sufficient number of automated external defibrillators and training courses from the City free of charge | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1194-2016
| * | Steven Matteo | | | Clarifying the responsibilities of youth leagues with respect to defibrillators. | Introduction | This bill would amend the recently-passed law that will require certain youth baseball leagues to make automated external defibrillators available at games and practices to clarify that this requirement only extends to leagues that receive a sufficient number of automated external defibrillators and training courses from the City free of charge | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available