Meeting Name: Committee on Veterans Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/18/2024 1:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
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            Roll call Not available
T2024-2772 *   Oversight - Connecting Veterans with Arts and Cultural Opportunities.Oversight Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
T2024-2772 *   Oversight - Connecting Veterans with Arts and Cultural Opportunities.Oversight Filed, by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0686-2024 *Robert F. Holden  Supporting veteran vendors.IntroductionThis bill would amend the membership of the Street Vendor Advisory Board to include the Commissioner of Veterans’ Services or their designee, and to increase the number of Speaker-appointed members to 7, to include a representative of the veteran community. This bill would also require the Department of Veterans’ Services to post on its website information related to resources and support for veteran vendors.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0686-2024 *Robert F. Holden  Supporting veteran vendors.IntroductionThis bill would amend the membership of the Street Vendor Advisory Board to include the Commissioner of Veterans’ Services or their designee, and to increase the number of Speaker-appointed members to 7, to include a representative of the veteran community. This bill would also require the Department of Veterans’ Services to post on its website information related to resources and support for veteran vendors.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0687-2024 *Robert F. Holden  Waiving permit fees for mobile food unit commissaries that reserve space for veteran vendors.IntroductionThis bill would waive the $200 annual permit fee for mobile food unit commissaries that reserve at least one space for a veteran vendor.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0687-2024 *Robert F. Holden  Waiving permit fees for mobile food unit commissaries that reserve space for veteran vendors.IntroductionThis bill would waive the $200 annual permit fee for mobile food unit commissaries that reserve at least one space for a veteran vendor.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0688-2024 *Robert F. Holden  Cure periods for certain violations by veterans service organizationsIntroductionThis bill would create cure periods for certain violations issued by the Fire Department of the City of New York, the Department of Sanitation, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Department of Buildings for veterans service organizations. Cure periods would be 120 days in length, with a possibility of extension. A veterans service organization that cures a violation within the cure period would avoid being required to pay a fine or civil penalty. No cure period would be authorized, however, for a violation that is an immediate threat to health or safety. This bill would also require the Department of Veterans’ Services to conduct a public information and outreach campaign regarding the new cure periods.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0688-2024 *Robert F. Holden  Cure periods for certain violations by veterans service organizationsIntroductionThis bill would create cure periods for certain violations issued by the Fire Department of the City of New York, the Department of Sanitation, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Department of Buildings for veterans service organizations. Cure periods would be 120 days in length, with a possibility of extension. A veterans service organization that cures a violation within the cure period would avoid being required to pay a fine or civil penalty. No cure period would be authorized, however, for a violation that is an immediate threat to health or safety. This bill would also require the Department of Veterans’ Services to conduct a public information and outreach campaign regarding the new cure periods.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0959-2024 *Joann Ariola   Providing rental assistance to homeless veterans.IntroductionThis bill would establish a program administered by the Department of Veterans' Services in coordination with the Department of Social Services to provide monthly rental assistance to homeless veterans, covering their monthly housing rent up to a maximum amount based on the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development’s fair market rent guidelines. Veterans would not be required to contribute from their income toward rent. To be eligible, a veteran would need to have a gross income not exceeding 200% of the federal poverty level, not be receiving another governmental housing subsidy, and be a New York City resident. The Commissioner of Veterans’ Services would have to periodically reassess eligibility and discontinue assistance if a veteran no longer meets the eligibility criteria or secures permanent housing that does not require rent payments. Finally, the Commissioner would have to conduct outreach to landlords and homeless veterans about this program.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0959-2024 *Joann Ariola   Providing rental assistance to homeless veterans.IntroductionThis bill would establish a program administered by the Department of Veterans' Services in coordination with the Department of Social Services to provide monthly rental assistance to homeless veterans, covering their monthly housing rent up to a maximum amount based on the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development’s fair market rent guidelines. Veterans would not be required to contribute from their income toward rent. To be eligible, a veteran would need to have a gross income not exceeding 200% of the federal poverty level, not be receiving another governmental housing subsidy, and be a New York City resident. The Commissioner of Veterans’ Services would have to periodically reassess eligibility and discontinue assistance if a veteran no longer meets the eligibility criteria or secures permanent housing that does not require rent payments. Finally, the Commissioner would have to conduct outreach to landlords and homeless veterans about this program.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0018-2024 *Vickie Paladino  DOE to observe Veterans Day the Friday before November 11th if it falls on a Saturday and the Monday after the 11th if it falls on a Sunday.Resolution Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0018-2024 *Vickie Paladino  DOE to observe Veterans Day the Friday before November 11th if it falls on a Saturday and the Monday after the 11th if it falls on a Sunday.Resolution Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0311-2024 *Robert F. Holden  Establish a property tax exemption for veterans with a 100 percent service-connected disability (S.2028-A/A.2965-A).Resolution Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0311-2024 *Robert F. Holden  Establish a property tax exemption for veterans with a 100 percent service-connected disability (S.2028-A/A.2965-A).Resolution Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0465-2024 *Joann Ariola   New York City Housing Authority to include an admission preference for public housing in its next proposed agency plan for all veterans of the U.S. military.Resolution Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0465-2024 *Joann Ariola   New York City Housing Authority to include an admission preference for public housing in its next proposed agency plan for all veterans of the U.S. military.Resolution Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available