Meeting Name: Committee on Civil Service and Labor Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/24/2024 1:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room - City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
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            Roll call Not available
T2024-1992 *   Oversight - Assessing the Administration of City Benefits for Current Employees.Oversight Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
T2024-1992 *   Oversight - Assessing the Administration of City Benefits for Current Employees.Oversight Filed, by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0265-2024 *Rita C. Joseph  Improving benefits enrollment processes for city employees.IntroductionThis bill would require agencies to make best efforts to expedite any administrative processes related to providing continuing city-administered health insurance coverage when an employee transfers from one agency to another agency. The bill would also require that agencies provide detailed information regarding accessing city-administered benefits when an employee begins employment at an agency, including deadlines for any actions the employee must take to enroll in coverage and contact information for individuals at the agency who can provide guidance regarding city-administered benefits.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0265-2024 *Rita C. Joseph  Improving benefits enrollment processes for city employees.IntroductionThis bill would require agencies to make best efforts to expedite any administrative processes related to providing continuing city-administered health insurance coverage when an employee transfers from one agency to another agency. The bill would also require that agencies provide detailed information regarding accessing city-administered benefits when an employee begins employment at an agency, including deadlines for any actions the employee must take to enroll in coverage and contact information for individuals at the agency who can provide guidance regarding city-administered benefits.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0983-2024 *Carmen N. De La Rosa PreconsideredAdministration of employee benefits.IntroductionThis bill would impose minimum standards for the processing of claims for certain benefits offered to municipal employees of New York City, and require the establishment of an online portal through which municipal employees could submit and track their benefits claims, receive information about benefits, and communicate with benefits administrators. This bill would require the New York City Office of Labor Relations (OLR) to submit an annual report on employees’ utilization of such portal and basic data on claims processing by administrators. This bill would also require OLR to create a City Benefits Help Center, which would be responsible for offering information and guidance to employees about the availability and structure of benefits. Finally, this bill would require OLR to design and administer a one-time survey for municipal employees to provide feedback on the substance and administration of benefits.Hearing on P-C Item by Comm  Action details Not available
Int 0983-2024 *Carmen N. De La Rosa  Administration of employee benefits.IntroductionThis bill would impose minimum standards for the processing of claims for certain benefits offered to municipal employees of New York City, and require the establishment of an online portal through which municipal employees could submit and track their benefits claims, receive information about benefits, and communicate with benefits administrators. This bill would require the New York City Office of Labor Relations (OLR) to submit an annual report on employees’ utilization of such portal and basic data on claims processing by administrators. This bill would also require OLR to create a City Benefits Help Center, which would be responsible for offering information and guidance to employees about the availability and structure of benefits. Finally, this bill would require OLR to design and administer a one-time survey for municipal employees to provide feedback on the substance and administration of benefits.P-C Item Laid Over by Comm  Action details Not available
Res 0005-2024 *Joann Ariola  Proposed Res. No. 5-ACalling on the NYS Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, S.7466-A, and a companion bill, to reinstate NYC employees who were terminated due to non-compliance with the COVID-19 vaccination requirement.Resolution Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0005-2024 *Joann Ariola   Calling on the NYS Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, S.7466-A, and a companion bill, to reinstate NYC employees who were terminated due to non-compliance with the COVID-19 vaccination requirement.Resolution Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Not available
Res 0005-2024 *Joann Ariola   Calling on the NYS Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, S.7466-A, and a companion bill, to reinstate NYC employees who were terminated due to non-compliance with the COVID-19 vaccination requirement.Resolution Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available