Meeting Name: Committee on Housing and Buildings Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/26/2025 11:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Committee Room - City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
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Int 0391-2024 *Keith Powers  Proposed Int. No. 391-AStudying sidewalk shed designs and improving the aesthetics of existing sidewalk sheds.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Buildings (“DOB”) to complete a study and recommend to the Council the use of new sidewalk shed designs by September 30, 2025. Additionally, this bill would require DOB to promulgate rules for the use of containment netting as a sidewalk shed alternative. This bill would also expand the allowable color palette of sidewalk sheds beyond hunter green, to include metallic gray, white, or a color matching the façade, trim, cornice, or roof of the building; corresponding construction fences would be required to match the color of the sidewalk shed. Finally, this bill would increase the size of lighting installed beneath sidewalk sheds, particularly for sheds covering subway entrances, bus shelters, or other transit facilities, and increase the minimum height of sidewalk sheds to 12 feet, with a lower height allowed in areas where egress, light, or ventilation would be obstructed.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0391-2024 *Keith Powers   Studying sidewalk shed designs and improving the aesthetics of existing sidewalk sheds.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Buildings (“DOB”) to complete a study and recommend to the Council the use of new sidewalk shed designs by September 30, 2025. Additionally, this bill would require DOB to promulgate rules for the use of containment netting as a sidewalk shed alternative. This bill would also expand the allowable color palette of sidewalk sheds beyond hunter green, to include metallic gray, white, or a color matching the façade, trim, cornice, or roof of the building; corresponding construction fences would be required to match the color of the sidewalk shed. Finally, this bill would increase the size of lighting installed beneath sidewalk sheds, particularly for sheds covering subway entrances, bus shelters, or other transit facilities, and increase the minimum height of sidewalk sheds to 12 feet, with a lower height allowed in areas where egress, light, or ventilation would be obstructed.Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Not available
Int 0391-2024 *Keith Powers   Studying sidewalk shed designs and improving the aesthetics of existing sidewalk sheds.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Buildings (“DOB”) to complete a study and recommend to the Council the use of new sidewalk shed designs by September 30, 2025. Additionally, this bill would require DOB to promulgate rules for the use of containment netting as a sidewalk shed alternative. This bill would also expand the allowable color palette of sidewalk sheds beyond hunter green, to include metallic gray, white, or a color matching the façade, trim, cornice, or roof of the building; corresponding construction fences would be required to match the color of the sidewalk shed. Finally, this bill would increase the size of lighting installed beneath sidewalk sheds, particularly for sheds covering subway entrances, bus shelters, or other transit facilities, and increase the minimum height of sidewalk sheds to 12 feet, with a lower height allowed in areas where egress, light, or ventilation would be obstructed.Amended by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0391-2024 AKeith Powers   Studying sidewalk shed designs and improving the aesthetics of existing sidewalk sheds.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Buildings (“DOB”) to complete a study and recommend to the Council the use of new sidewalk shed designs by September 30, 2025. Additionally, this bill would require DOB to promulgate rules for the use of containment netting as a sidewalk shed alternative. This bill would also expand the allowable color palette of sidewalk sheds beyond hunter green, to include metallic gray, white, or a color matching the façade, trim, cornice, or roof of the building; corresponding construction fences would be required to match the color of the sidewalk shed. Finally, this bill would increase the size of lighting installed beneath sidewalk sheds, particularly for sheds covering subway entrances, bus shelters, or other transit facilities, and increase the minimum height of sidewalk sheds to 12 feet, with a lower height allowed in areas where egress, light, or ventilation would be obstructed.Approved by CommitteePass Action details Not available
Int 0393-2024 *Keith Powers  Proposed Int. No. 393-ARemoving construction-related equipment.IntroductionThis bill would reduce the duration of sidewalk shed permits issued in connection with a façade repair from 1 year to 3 months. The duration of sidewalk shed permits connected to demolition, a building alteration, or new building construction would remain undisturbed. This bill would also create new penalties enforceable by the Department of Buildings (“DOB”) for sidewalk sheds occupying the public right of way where a building owner has failed to conduct necessary façade repairs in a timely manner. Penalties would be enforced beginning with the second permit renewal, increasing based on the size and age of the shed. Finally, reports accompanying an application for a sidewalk shed permit renewal would be required to include information on work performed during the period of time since the last renewal; if work has not been performed during that time, documentation illustrating the applicable reason for the lack of work may be accepted by DOB for the purpose of renewing the permit.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0393-2024 *Keith Powers   Removing construction-related equipment.IntroductionThis bill would reduce the duration of sidewalk shed permits issued in connection with a façade repair from 1 year to 3 months. The duration of sidewalk shed permits connected to demolition, a building alteration, or new building construction would remain undisturbed. This bill would also create new penalties enforceable by the Department of Buildings (“DOB”) for sidewalk sheds occupying the public right of way where a building owner has failed to conduct necessary façade repairs in a timely manner. Penalties would be enforced beginning with the second permit renewal, increasing based on the size and age of the shed. Finally, reports accompanying an application for a sidewalk shed permit renewal would be required to include information on work performed during the period of time since the last renewal; if work has not been performed during that time, documentation illustrating the applicable reason for the lack of work may be accepted by DOB for the purpose of renewing the permit.Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Not available
Int 0393-2024 *Keith Powers   Removing construction-related equipment.IntroductionThis bill would reduce the duration of sidewalk shed permits issued in connection with a façade repair from 1 year to 3 months. The duration of sidewalk shed permits connected to demolition, a building alteration, or new building construction would remain undisturbed. This bill would also create new penalties enforceable by the Department of Buildings (“DOB”) for sidewalk sheds occupying the public right of way where a building owner has failed to conduct necessary façade repairs in a timely manner. Penalties would be enforced beginning with the second permit renewal, increasing based on the size and age of the shed. Finally, reports accompanying an application for a sidewalk shed permit renewal would be required to include information on work performed during the period of time since the last renewal; if work has not been performed during that time, documentation illustrating the applicable reason for the lack of work may be accepted by DOB for the purpose of renewing the permit.Amended by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0393-2024 AKeith Powers   Removing construction-related equipment.IntroductionThis bill would reduce the duration of sidewalk shed permits issued in connection with a façade repair from 1 year to 3 months. The duration of sidewalk shed permits connected to demolition, a building alteration, or new building construction would remain undisturbed. This bill would also create new penalties enforceable by the Department of Buildings (“DOB”) for sidewalk sheds occupying the public right of way where a building owner has failed to conduct necessary façade repairs in a timely manner. Penalties would be enforced beginning with the second permit renewal, increasing based on the size and age of the shed. Finally, reports accompanying an application for a sidewalk shed permit renewal would be required to include information on work performed during the period of time since the last renewal; if work has not been performed during that time, documentation illustrating the applicable reason for the lack of work may be accepted by DOB for the purpose of renewing the permit.Approved by CommitteePass Action details Not available
Int 0394-2024 *Keith Powers  Proposed Int. No. 394-AExterior wall inspection requirements.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Buildings (“DOB”) to complete a study evaluating the frequency of the Façade Inspection and Safety Program (“FISP”) and deliver recommendations concerning the inspection schedule to the Council by December 31, 2025. This bill would also eliminate the existing 5-year FISP cycle, and require DOB to adopt new rules establishing a longer interval of time between FISP cycles, provided that such periodic intervals are between 6 to 12 years. Additionally, this bill would replace the existing requirement that the initial façade examination for any new building be conducted in the fifth year following the erection or installation of any exterior wall or appurtenance with a requirement that such initial façade inspection be conducted in the eighth year.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0394-2024 *Keith Powers   Exterior wall inspection requirements.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Buildings (“DOB”) to complete a study evaluating the frequency of the Façade Inspection and Safety Program (“FISP”) and deliver recommendations concerning the inspection schedule to the Council by December 31, 2025. This bill would also eliminate the existing 5-year FISP cycle, and require DOB to adopt new rules establishing a longer interval of time between FISP cycles, provided that such periodic intervals are between 6 to 12 years. Additionally, this bill would replace the existing requirement that the initial façade examination for any new building be conducted in the fifth year following the erection or installation of any exterior wall or appurtenance with a requirement that such initial façade inspection be conducted in the eighth year.Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Not available
Int 0394-2024 *Keith Powers   Exterior wall inspection requirements.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Buildings (“DOB”) to complete a study evaluating the frequency of the Façade Inspection and Safety Program (“FISP”) and deliver recommendations concerning the inspection schedule to the Council by December 31, 2025. This bill would also eliminate the existing 5-year FISP cycle, and require DOB to adopt new rules establishing a longer interval of time between FISP cycles, provided that such periodic intervals are between 6 to 12 years. Additionally, this bill would replace the existing requirement that the initial façade examination for any new building be conducted in the fifth year following the erection or installation of any exterior wall or appurtenance with a requirement that such initial façade inspection be conducted in the eighth year.Amended by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0394-2024 AKeith Powers   Exterior wall inspection requirements.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Buildings (“DOB”) to complete a study evaluating the frequency of the Façade Inspection and Safety Program (“FISP”) and deliver recommendations concerning the inspection schedule to the Council by December 31, 2025. This bill would also eliminate the existing 5-year FISP cycle, and require DOB to adopt new rules establishing a longer interval of time between FISP cycles, provided that such periodic intervals are between 6 to 12 years. Additionally, this bill would replace the existing requirement that the initial façade examination for any new building be conducted in the fifth year following the erection or installation of any exterior wall or appurtenance with a requirement that such initial façade inspection be conducted in the eighth year.Approved by CommitteePass Action details Not available
Int 0660-2024 *Erik D. Bottcher Proposed Int. No. 660-ARequired lighting under sidewalk sheds.IntroductionThis bill would double the required level of lighting under sidewalk sheds from 45 lumens per watt or greater to 90 lumens per watt or greater, and would require that lighting under sidewalk sheds be provided specifically by LED lights. Additionally, this bill would require lighting fixtures serving a sidewalk shed that is within a 20-foot radius of a window, glass door, or any other fenestration of a dwelling unit to be equipped with directional adjustment or shielding to eliminate light trespass toward the dwelling unit.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0660-2024 *Erik D. Bottcher  Required lighting under sidewalk sheds.IntroductionThis bill would double the required level of lighting under sidewalk sheds from 45 lumens per watt or greater to 90 lumens per watt or greater, and would require that lighting under sidewalk sheds be provided specifically by LED lights. Additionally, this bill would require lighting fixtures serving a sidewalk shed that is within a 20-foot radius of a window, glass door, or any other fenestration of a dwelling unit to be equipped with directional adjustment or shielding to eliminate light trespass toward the dwelling unit.Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Not available
Int 0660-2024 *Erik D. Bottcher  Required lighting under sidewalk sheds.IntroductionThis bill would double the required level of lighting under sidewalk sheds from 45 lumens per watt or greater to 90 lumens per watt or greater, and would require that lighting under sidewalk sheds be provided specifically by LED lights. Additionally, this bill would require lighting fixtures serving a sidewalk shed that is within a 20-foot radius of a window, glass door, or any other fenestration of a dwelling unit to be equipped with directional adjustment or shielding to eliminate light trespass toward the dwelling unit.Amended by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0660-2024 AErik D. Bottcher  Required lighting under sidewalk sheds.IntroductionThis bill would double the required level of lighting under sidewalk sheds from 45 lumens per watt or greater to 90 lumens per watt or greater, and would require that lighting under sidewalk sheds be provided specifically by LED lights. Additionally, this bill would require lighting fixtures serving a sidewalk shed that is within a 20-foot radius of a window, glass door, or any other fenestration of a dwelling unit to be equipped with directional adjustment or shielding to eliminate light trespass toward the dwelling unit.Approved by CommitteePass Action details Not available
Int 0661-2024 *Erik D. Bottcher Proposed Int. No. 661-APenalties for failing to complete façade repairs in a timely manner.IntroductionThis bill would increase Department of Buildings (“DOB”) enforcement pursuant to the Façade Inspection and Safety Program by introducing new penalties for failing to submit completed construction documents to DOB within 5 months, failing to file necessary permit applications within 8 months, and failing to fully complete façade repairs within 2 years. Building owners would be able to request extensions by submitting documentation to DOB indicating why repair timelines cannot be met, and applicable penalties would be tolled until an extension is granted or denied. Additionally, should a building owner submit a contract indicating an anticipated timeline of work that is greater than 2 years, the owner would be allowed to apply for a single extension of time to complete the work, with the duration of such extension determined by DOB based on factors such as the size of the building, the scope of necessary work, and the materials necessary to complete such work.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0661-2024 *Erik D. Bottcher  Penalties for failing to complete façade repairs in a timely manner.IntroductionThis bill would increase Department of Buildings (“DOB”) enforcement pursuant to the Façade Inspection and Safety Program by introducing new penalties for failing to submit completed construction documents to DOB within 5 months, failing to file necessary permit applications within 8 months, and failing to fully complete façade repairs within 2 years. Building owners would be able to request extensions by submitting documentation to DOB indicating why repair timelines cannot be met, and applicable penalties would be tolled until an extension is granted or denied. Additionally, should a building owner submit a contract indicating an anticipated timeline of work that is greater than 2 years, the owner would be allowed to apply for a single extension of time to complete the work, with the duration of such extension determined by DOB based on factors such as the size of the building, the scope of necessary work, and the materials necessary to complete such work.Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Not available
Int 0661-2024 *Erik D. Bottcher  Penalties for failing to complete façade repairs in a timely manner.IntroductionThis bill would increase Department of Buildings (“DOB”) enforcement pursuant to the Façade Inspection and Safety Program by introducing new penalties for failing to submit completed construction documents to DOB within 5 months, failing to file necessary permit applications within 8 months, and failing to fully complete façade repairs within 2 years. Building owners would be able to request extensions by submitting documentation to DOB indicating why repair timelines cannot be met, and applicable penalties would be tolled until an extension is granted or denied. Additionally, should a building owner submit a contract indicating an anticipated timeline of work that is greater than 2 years, the owner would be allowed to apply for a single extension of time to complete the work, with the duration of such extension determined by DOB based on factors such as the size of the building, the scope of necessary work, and the materials necessary to complete such work.Amended by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0661-2024 AErik D. Bottcher  Penalties for failing to complete façade repairs in a timely manner.IntroductionThis bill would increase Department of Buildings (“DOB”) enforcement pursuant to the Façade Inspection and Safety Program by introducing new penalties for failing to submit completed construction documents to DOB within 5 months, failing to file necessary permit applications within 8 months, and failing to fully complete façade repairs within 2 years. Building owners would be able to request extensions by submitting documentation to DOB indicating why repair timelines cannot be met, and applicable penalties would be tolled until an extension is granted or denied. Additionally, should a building owner submit a contract indicating an anticipated timeline of work that is greater than 2 years, the owner would be allowed to apply for a single extension of time to complete the work, with the duration of such extension determined by DOB based on factors such as the size of the building, the scope of necessary work, and the materials necessary to complete such work.Approved by CommitteePass Action details Not available
Res 0119-2024 *Crystal Hudson Proposed Res. No. 119-AProhibiting property owners from filing eviction proceedings for tenants who reside in buildings with substantial pending housing maintenance code violations (A.1621/S.4098).Resolution Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0119-2024 *Crystal Hudson  Prohibiting property owners from filing eviction proceedings for tenants who reside in buildings with substantial pending housing maintenance code violations (A.1621/S.4098).Resolution Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Not available
Res 0119-2024 *Crystal Hudson  Prohibiting property owners from filing eviction proceedings for tenants who reside in buildings with substantial pending housing maintenance code violations (A.1621/S.4098).Resolution Amended by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0119-2024 ACrystal Hudson  Prohibiting property owners from filing eviction proceedings for tenants who reside in buildings with substantial pending housing maintenance code violations (A.1621/S.4098).Resolution Approved by CommitteePass Action details Not available
Res 0246-2024 *Sandy Nurse Proposed Res. No. 246-ARequiring unlawful eviction cases to be heard within five days.Resolution Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0246-2024 *Sandy Nurse  Requiring unlawful eviction cases to be heard within five days.Resolution Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Not available
Res 0246-2024 *Sandy Nurse  Requiring unlawful eviction cases to be heard within five days.Resolution Amended by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0246-2024 ASandy Nurse  Requiring unlawful eviction cases to be heard within five days.Resolution Approved by CommitteePass Action details Not available
Res 0524-2024 *Kevin C. Riley Proposed Res. No. 524-ALegal representation in certain mortgage foreclosure actions (S.126).Resolution Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0524-2024 *Kevin C. Riley  Legal representation in certain mortgage foreclosure actions (S.126).Resolution Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Not available
Res 0524-2024 *Kevin C. Riley  Legal representation in certain mortgage foreclosure actions (S.126).Resolution Amended by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0524-2024 AKevin C. Riley  Legal representation in certain mortgage foreclosure actions (S.126).Resolution Approved by CommitteePass Action details Not available