File #: Int 1022-2024    Version: Name: Requiring a study and plan regarding naturally occurring retirement communities and aging in place.
Type: Introduction Status: Enacted
Committee: Committee on Aging
On agenda: 9/12/2024
Enactment date: 1/4/2025 Law number: 2025/001
Title: A Local Law in relation to requiring a study and plan regarding naturally occurring retirement communities and aging in place
Sponsors: Jennifer Gutiérrez, Crystal Hudson, Sandra Ung, Lincoln Restler, Tiffany Cabán, Mercedes Narcisse, Shahana K. Hanif, Farah N. Louis, Chi A. Ossé, Rita C. Joseph, Lynn C. Schulman, Gale A. Brewer, Justin L. Brannan, Kevin C. Riley, Amanda Farías, Nantasha M. Williams, Shekar Krishnan, Althea V. Stevens, Julie Won, Linda Lee, Pierina Ana Sanchez, Carlina Rivera , Erik D. Bottcher, Susan Zhuang, Eric Dinowitz, David M. Carr, Joann Ariola
Council Member Sponsors: 27
Summary: This bill would require the Commissioner for the Aging to conduct a three-year study on Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs) and Neighborhood Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (N-NORCs) in New York City. The study would identify potential NORCs and N-NORCs, assess the needs of older adults, evaluate necessary improvements, and collect data on demographic trends and health outcomes. Within two years of completing the study, the Commissioner would be required to develop and implement a plan to support aging in place within these communities. This plan would include recommendations for officially designating identified communities, resource estimates for supportive service programs, training for community-based organizations, infrastructure improvements, and the establishment of a program to provide grant funding and other resources to support the operations of community-based organizations to provide services within such identified communities.
Indexes: Report Required
Attachments: 1. Summary of Int. No. 1022-A, 2. Summary of Int. No. 1022, 3. Int. No. 1022, 4. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 9-12-24, 5. September 12, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 6. Committee Report 9/23/24, 7. Hearing Testimony 9/23/24, 8. Hearing Transcript 9/23/24, 9. Proposed Int. No. 1022-A - 11/27/24, 10. Committee Report 12/5/24, 11. Hearing Transcript 12/5/24, 12. Committee Report - Stated Meeting 12/5/24, 13. December 5, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 14. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 12-5-24, 15. Int. No. 1022-A (FINAL), 16. Fiscal Impact Statement, 17. Legislative Documents - Letter to the Mayor, 18. Local Law 1
Date Ver.Prime SponsorAction ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsMultimedia
1/6/2025AJennifer Gutiérrez City Council Returned Unsigned by Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/4/2025AJennifer Gutiérrez Administration City Charter Rule Adopted  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/5/2024AJennifer Gutiérrez City Council Sent to Mayor by Council  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/5/2024AJennifer Gutiérrez City Council Approved by CouncilPass Action details Meeting details Not available
12/5/2024*Jennifer Gutiérrez Committee on Aging Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/5/2024*Jennifer Gutiérrez Committee on Aging Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/5/2024*Jennifer Gutiérrez Committee on Aging Amended by Committee  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/5/2024AJennifer Gutiérrez Committee on Aging Approved by CommitteePass Action details Meeting details Not available
9/23/2024*Jennifer Gutiérrez Committee on Aging Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/23/2024*Jennifer Gutiérrez Committee on Aging Laid Over by Committee  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/12/2024*Jennifer Gutiérrez City Council Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/12/2024*Jennifer Gutiérrez City Council Introduced by Council  Action details Meeting details Not available

Int. No. 1022-A


By Council Members Gutiérrez, Hudson, Ung, Restler, Cabán, Narcisse, Hanif, Louis, Ossé, Joseph, Schulman, Brewer, Brannan, Riley, Farías, Williams, Krishnan, Stevens, Won, Lee, Sanchez, Rivera, Bottcher, Zhuang, Dinowitz, Carr and Ariola


A Local Law in relation to requiring a study and plan regarding naturally occurring retirement communities and aging in place


Be it enacted by the Council as follows:


Section 1. Section 21-205.1 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as added by a local law for the year 2024 amending the administrative code of the city of New York, relating to a 10-year plan to support aging in place, as proposed in introduction number 1054, is amended by adding new subdivisions c, d, e, and f to read as follows:

c. Study regarding naturally occurring retirement communities. Over a 3-year period beginning on the effective date of the local law that added this section, the commissioner shall conduct a study on naturally occurring retirement communities and neighborhood naturally occurring retirement communities in the city. Such study shall include, but need not be limited to:

1. Information on the existing state of naturally occurring retirement communities, including their locations, supportive services provided at each such location, and contact information for buildings and service providers;

2. Identifications of potential naturally occurring retirement communities and neighborhood naturally occurring retirement communities as both such communities are defined in section 209 of the elder law, not currently designated or otherwise recognized by the New York state office for the aging or the department, accompanied by explanations of how and why each such potential community was identified;

3. In consultation with relevant council members and community stakeholders, information on the existing capacity of community-based organizations to support each such potential community;

4. An assessment of the identification, designation and funding processes for naturally occurring retirement communities and neighborhood naturally occurring retirement communities, including any recommendations for improving such processes;

5. A summary of the needs assessments and challenges expressed by current naturally occurring retirement community providers, including any identified capital needs within such communities;

6. Data on the demographic trends, health outcomes, and social isolation among older adults in such communities; and

7. In consultation with the department of city planning, the department of health and mental hygiene, the department of transportation, and any other agency deemed necessary, an evaluation of the necessary improvements and investments required to enhance neighborhood infrastructure, healthcare facilities, social services, transportation, and other critical services to support older adults aging in place within such communities.

d. Plan regarding naturally occurring retirement communities. Based on the findings of the study conducted pursuant to subdivision c of this section, the commissioner shall, within 2 years of completing such study, develop and implement a plan to support naturally occurring retirement communities and neighborhood naturally occurring retirement communities. The plan shall include, but need not be limited to:

1. Recommendations to the New York state office for the aging to designate any housing developments, buildings, or areas identified in the study conducted pursuant to subdivision c of this section as naturally occurring retirement communities or neighborhood naturally occurring retirement communities, as appropriate;

2. An estimate of the resources needed to establish and maintain supportive service programs within such potential communities, disaggregated by each such potential community;

3. Training and onboarding for community-based organizations to expand their capacity to support older adults in such potential communities;

4. Recommendations for infrastructure improvements for such potential communities to be shared with the cabinet for older New Yorkers as established by section 2405 of the New York city charter;

5. Strategies to improve the identification of naturally occurring retirement communities and neighborhood naturally occurring retirement communities throughout the city, taking into consideration communities that lack appropriate or relevant service providers; and

6. Subject to appropriation, a program to provide grant funding and other resources, including start-up grants, capacity-building support, and operational funding to support the operations of community-based organizations to provide services within identified naturally occurring retirement communities.

e. The commissioner shall submit to the mayor and the speaker of the council, and post on the department’s website, the findings of the study conducted pursuant to subdivision c of this section and the plan developed pursuant to subdivision d of this section.

f. Progress reports. Two years after publication of the plans developed pursuant to subdivisions b and d of this section, and every 2 years thereafter until the completion of each such plan, or until January 30, 2037, the commissioner shall submit to the mayor and the speaker of the council and post on the department’s website progress reports detailing the status of the implementation of projects and recommendations included in each such plan.

§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately.JL/CP

LS #13084

11/26/24 4:55 PM