Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/31/2001 12:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Prime SponsorAgenda #Agenda NoteNameTypeSummaryActionResultAction DetailsMultimedia
    1.       Roll call Not available
    2.Delivered by: Rabbi Jonathan Glass, Civic Center Synagogue, 49 White Street, New York, NY 10013. Motion to spread the invocation in full upon the record by COUNCIL MEMBER REED.      Not available
            Not available
    4.       Not available
    5.       Not available
M 1308-2001 *  Received, Ordered, Printed and FiledOMB, Withdrawing two fiscal year 2001 budget mods (MN - 9 and 10)Communication Rcvd, Ord, Prnt, Fld by Council  Action details Not available
M 1309-2001 *  Received, Ordered, Printed and FiledNYC Loft Board, Transmitting final copy of the Board's amendment to its rules regarding the repeal of deadlines.Communication Rcvd, Ord, Prnt, Fld by Council  Action details Not available
    6.       Not available
    7.       Not available
M 1310-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on Call-Up VoteULURP, Biltmore Theater, Manhattan (20010460ZSM)Land Use Call-Up Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
M 1311-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on Call-Up VoteULURP, 784/786 Eighth Avenue, Manhattan (C010585PPM)Land Use Call-Up Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
M 1312-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on Call-Up VoteULURP, City-owned non-residential real property, Manhattan ( 010513HDM)Land Use Call-Up Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
M 1313-2001 *Martin J. Golden Coupled on Call-Up VoteSidewalk Cafe, 10031-33 Fourth Ave, Brooklyn (20015001TCK)Land Use Call-Up Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
          Pass Not available
    8.       Not available
    9.       Not available
    10.       Not available
    11.       Not available
            Not available
Int 0983-2001 AHerbert E. Berman Amended and Coupled on GO with Message of NecessitySelection of a firm for an annual audit, Amend CharterIntroduction Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2086-2001 *Herbert E. Berman Preconsidered - Coupled on GOReal Property, FY 2002Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2087-2001 *Herbert E. Berman Preconsidered - Coupled on GOReal Property, FY 2002Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
M 1314-2001 *Herbert E. Berman Preconsidered - Coupled on GORes. No. 2090 - Real Property, FY 2002Mayor's Message Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2090-2001 *Herbert E. Berman  Real Property, FY 2002Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
M 1295-2001 *   Transfer funds Bronx BP to Administration of Children's Services (MN-1)Communication Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2091-2001 *Herbert E. Berman Coupled on GOM 1295 - Transfer funds Bronx BP to Administration of Children's Services (MN-1)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1212-2001 *Herbert E. Berman  Res. No. 2092 - Hargrave House 111 West 71st Street, Manhattan.Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2092-2001 *Herbert E. Berman Preconsidered - Coupled on GOLU 1212 - Hargrave House 111 West 71st Street, Manhattan.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1213-2001 *Herbert E. Berman  Section 202 Supportive Housing Program For The Elderly, 745 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn.Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2093-2001 *Herbert E. Berman Preconsidered - Coupled on GOLU 1213 - Section 202 Supportive Housing Program For The Elderly, 745 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1203-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, CB#'s 5, 7 & 8, CD#'s 14 & 15, Bronx (20025036HAX)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2094-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1203 - UDAAP, CB#'s 5, 7 & 8, CD#'s 14 & 15, Bronx (20025036HAX)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
            Not available
LU 0705-2000 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, Zoning Map Change CD 6, Manhattan, (20000354ZMM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2095-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 705 - ULURP, Zoning Map Change CD 6, Manhattan, (20000354ZMM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1112-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, Rules 1995 Adult Establishments, Citywide (010508ZRY)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2096-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1112 - ULURP, Rules 1995 Adult Establishments, Citywide (010508ZRY)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1156-2001 *June M. Eisland  Landmarks, Madison Square North, Manhattan (Non-ULURP#20025005HKM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2097-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1156 - Landmarks, Madison Square North, Manhattan (Non-ULURP#20025005HKM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1159-2001 *June M. Eisland  Zoning, Penn Center Special District, Manhattan (20010653ZRM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2098-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1159 - Zoning, Penn Center Special District, Manhattan (20010653ZRM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1160-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, Zoning Map Changes, CD#3, Manhattan (20010652ZMM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2099-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1160 - ULURP, Zoning Map Changes, CD#3, Manhattan (20010652ZMM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1180-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, Clay Avenue Cluster, Bronx (20025018HAX)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2100-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1180 - UDAAP, Clay Avenue Cluster, Bronx (20025018HAX)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1181-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, 834 East 165th St, Bronx (20025019HAX)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2101-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1181 - UDAAP, 834 East 165th St, Bronx (20025019HAX)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1187-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, The Junction Special Permit, Brooklyn (010484ZSK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2102-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1187 - ULURP, The Junction Special Permit, Brooklyn (010484ZSK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1188-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, The Junction Special Permit, Brooklyn (010486ZSK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2103-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1188 - ULURP, The Junction Special Permit, Brooklyn (010486ZSK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1189-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, The Junction City Map Change, Brooklyn (C010026MMK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2104-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1189 - ULURP, The Junction City Map Change, Brooklyn (C010026MMK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1190-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, The Junction Zoning Map Changes, Brooklyn (010483ZMK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2105-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1190 - ULURP, The Junction Zoning Map Changes, Brooklyn (010483ZMK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1199-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, 429 Bergen St, Brooklyn (20025039HAK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2106-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1199 - UDAAP, 429 Bergen St, Brooklyn (20025039HAK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1200-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, 7 Second Ave, Manhattan (20025040HAM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2107-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1200 - UDAAP, 7 Second Ave, Manhattan (20025040HAM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1201-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, 326 West 43rd St, Manhattan (20025041HAM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2108-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1201 - UDAAP, 326 West 43rd St, Manhattan (20025041HAM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1203-2001 *June M. Eisland Approved and Referred to Finance pursuant to Rule 6.50 of the CouncilUDAAP, CB#'s 5, 7 & 8, CD#'s 14 & 15, Bronx (20025036HAX)Land Use Application Re-referred pursuant to Rule 6.50 of the Council  Action details Not available
LU 1205-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, Zoning map changes CD #4, Manhattan (010382ZMM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2109-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1205 - ULURP, Zoning map changes CD #4, Manhattan (010382ZMM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1206-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, Property located at E 20th St, Manhattan, (C010381PPM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2110-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1206 - ULURP, Property located at E 20th St, Manhattan, (C010381PPM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1207-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, Changes City Map CD #6, Manhattan (C010098MMM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2111-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1207 - ULURP, Changes City Map CD #6, Manhattan (C010098MMM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1208-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, Property W. 56th St, Manhattan (000353PCM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2112-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1208 - ULURP, Property W. 56th St, Manhattan (000353PCM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1209-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, 786 12th Ave & 650 W 57th St, Manhattan (000355ZSM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2113-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1209 - ULURP, 786 12th Ave & 650 W 57th St, Manhattan (000355ZSM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1210-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, 786 12th Ave, 650 W 57th St, Manhattan (000356ZSM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2114-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1210 - ULURP, 786 12th Ave, 650 W 57th St, Manhattan (000356ZSM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1211-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, 1325 Walton Ave & 25 E Clark Pl, Bronx (N010720HAX)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 2115-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1211 - ULURP, 1325 Walton Ave & 25 E Clark Pl, Bronx (N010720HAX)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
            Not available
M 1294-2001 *   Jane Gol, City Planning CommissionMayor's Message Approved, by CouncilFail Action details Not available
Res 2116-2001 *Morton Povman  M 1294 - Jane Gol, City Planning CommissionResolution Approved, by CouncilFail Action details Not available
    12.       Not available
SLR 0024-2001 *Gifford Miller Laid Over AgainDesignation of deputy warden (S.1439, A.771)SLR Laid Over by Council  Action details Not available
T1999-86 *  Coupled on GOCommissioner of DeedsCommissioner of Deeds Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
            Not available
    ~coupled       Not available
Int 0983-2001 AHerbert E. Berman~coupledA and GO with M/NSelection of a firm for an annual audit, Amend CharterIntroduction    Action details Not available
Res 2086-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~coupledPreconsidered - GOReal Property, FY 2002Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2087-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~coupledPreconsidered - GOReal Property, FY 2002Resolution    Action details Not available
M 1314-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~coupledPreconsidered - GORes. No. 2090 - Real Property, FY 2002Mayor's Message    Action details Not available
Res 2090-2001 *Herbert E. Berman  Real Property, FY 2002Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2091-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~coupledGOM 1295 - Transfer funds Bronx BP to Administration of Children's Services (MN-1)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2092-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~coupledPreconsidered - GOLU 1212 - Hargrave House 111 West 71st Street, Manhattan.Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2093-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~coupledPreconsidered - GOLU 1213 - Section 202 Supportive Housing Program For The Elderly, 745 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn.Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2094-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1203 - UDAAP, CB#'s 5, 7 & 8, CD#'s 14 & 15, Bronx (20025036HAX)Resolution    Action details Not available
    ~coupled       Not available
Res 2095-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 705 - ULURP, Zoning Map Change CD 6, Manhattan, (20000354ZMM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2096-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1112 - ULURP, Rules 1995 Adult Establishments, Citywide (010508ZRY)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2097-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1156 - Landmarks, Madison Square North, Manhattan (Non-ULURP#20025005HKM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2098-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1159 - Zoning, Penn Center Special District, Manhattan (20010653ZRM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2099-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1160 - ULURP, Zoning Map Changes, CD#3, Manhattan (20010652ZMM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2100-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1180 - UDAAP, Clay Avenue Cluster, Bronx (20025018HAX)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2101-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1181 - UDAAP, 834 East 165th St, Bronx (20025019HAX)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2102-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1187 - ULURP, The Junction Special Permit, Brooklyn (010484ZSK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2103-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1188 - ULURP, The Junction Special Permit, Brooklyn (010486ZSK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2104-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1189 - ULURP, The Junction City Map Change, Brooklyn (C010026MMK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2105-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1190 - ULURP, The Junction Zoning Map Changes, Brooklyn (010483ZMK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2106-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1199 - UDAAP, 429 Bergen St, Brooklyn (20025039HAK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2107-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1200 - UDAAP, 7 Second Ave, Manhattan (20025040HAM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2108-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1201 - UDAAP, 326 West 43rd St, Manhattan (20025041HAM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2109-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1205 - ULURP, Zoning map changes CD #4, Manhattan (010382ZMM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2110-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1206 - ULURP, Property located at E 20th St, Manhattan, (C010381PPM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2111-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1207 - ULURP, Changes City Map CD #6, Manhattan (C010098MMM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2112-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1208 - ULURP, Property W. 56th St, Manhattan (000353PCM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2113-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1209 - ULURP, 786 12th Ave & 650 W 57th St, Manhattan (000355ZSM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2114-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1210 - ULURP, 786 12th Ave, 650 W 57th St, Manhattan (000356ZSM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 2115-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1211 - ULURP, 1325 Walton Ave & 25 E Clark Pl, Bronx (N010720HAX)Resolution    Action details Not available
    ~coupled       Not available
Res 2116-2001 *Morton Povman~coupledGOM 1294 - Jane Gol, City Planning CommissionResolution    Action details Not available
    ~coupled       Not available
T1999-86 * ~coupledGOCommissioner of DeedsCommissioner of Deeds    Action details Not available
          Pass Not available
    13.       Not available
    14.       Not available
    15.       Not available
            Not available
Int 0984-2001 *Peter F. Vallone~SPONSORParks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs & International Intergroup RelationsName Change, Bernard H. Mendik Corner, Manhattan.Introduction Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0985-2001 *Peter F. Vallone~SPONSORParks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs & International Intergroup RelationsName Change, Lewis Rubin Place, ManhattanIntroduction Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0986-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~SPONSORFinanceAdditional tax on the city personal income tax.Introduction Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 2086-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~SPONSORPreconsidered - FinanceReal Property, FY 2002Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 2087-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~SPONSORPreconsidered - FinanceReal Property, FY 2002Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 2088-2001 *Bill Perkins~SPONSORContractsIssue emergency contracts, WTC CleanupResolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 2089-2001 *Christine C. Quinn~SPONSORCivil Service and LaborSupporting the Charleston FiveResolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 2090-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~SPONSORPreconsidered - FinanceReal Property, FY 2002Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1212-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~SPONSOR Res. No. 2092 - Hargrave House 111 West 71st Street, Manhattan.Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1213-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~SPONSORPreconsidered - FinanceSection 202 Supportive Housing Program For The Elderly, 745 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn.Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1214-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORZoning and FranchisesULURP, Biltmore Theatre, Manhattan (010459ZRM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1214-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR ULURP, Biltmore Theatre, Manhattan (010459ZRM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1215-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORZoning and FranchisesULURP, Biltmore Theater, Manhattan (20010460ZSM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1215-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR ULURP, Biltmore Theater, Manhattan (20010460ZSM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1216-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORZoning and FranchisesULURP, 784/786 Eighth Avenue, Manhattan (C010585PPM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1216-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR ULURP, 784/786 Eighth Avenue, Manhattan (C010585PPM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1217-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, 60-52 54th Place, Queens (20025049HAQ)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1217-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, 60-52 54th Place, Queens (20025049HAQ)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1218-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, 532 West 187th Street, Manhattan (20025050HAM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1218-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, 532 West 187th Street, Manhattan (20025050HAM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1219-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, 750 New Lots Avenue, Brooklyn (20025051HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1219-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, 750 New Lots Avenue, Brooklyn (20025051HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1220-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, 902 Utica Avenue, Brooklyn (20025052HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1220-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, 902 Utica Avenue, Brooklyn (20025052HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1221-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, Brownsville Sites 15 et al., Brooklyn (20025053HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1221-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, Brownsville Sites 15 et al., Brooklyn (20025053HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1222-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, Brownsville Sites 9 et al., Brooklyn (20025054HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1222-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, Brownsville Sites 9 et al., Brooklyn (20025054HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1223-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORLandmarks, Public Siting and Maritime UsesULURP, Pier 79, Manhattan (20025055PNM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1223-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR ULURP, Pier 79, Manhattan (20025055PNM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1224-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsULURP, Disposition CD# 4, CB# 6, Manhattan (C010592PPM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1224-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR ULURP, Disposition CD# 4, CB# 6, Manhattan (C010592PPM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1225-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORZoning and FranchisesSidewalk Cafe, 10031-33 Fourth Ave, Brooklyn (20015001TCK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1225-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR Sidewalk Cafe, 10031-33 Fourth Ave, Brooklyn (20015001TCK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available