Int 0742-2015
| * | James G. Van Bramer | | | Community engagement process in the percent for art law. | Introduction | This bill would require that the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) provide reasonable advance notification of its intention to include works of art in a Percent for Art project on the Department’s website. The bill would also require that DCLA hold at least one public hearing on such works of art prior to inclusion. The bill would further require that notice of the hearing be published in the City Record at least fourteen days before the hearing will take place. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0742-2015
| * | James G. Van Bramer | | | Community engagement process in the percent for art law. | Introduction | This bill would require that the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) provide reasonable advance notification of its intention to include works of art in a Percent for Art project on the Department’s website. The bill would also require that DCLA hold at least one public hearing on such works of art prior to inclusion. The bill would further require that notice of the hearing be published in the City Record at least fourteen days before the hearing will take place. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available