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Roll call
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| * | | | | Oversight - Meeting Physical Education Requirements | Oversight | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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| * | | | | Oversight - Meeting Physical Education Requirements | Oversight | | Filed, by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0644-2015
| * | Elizabeth S. Crowley | | Proposed Int. No. 644-A | Requiring DOE to report information on physical education in NYC schools. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Education to submit to the Speaker of the New York City Council and post on the Department’s website a report regarding information on physical education in New York City schools. The report would include but not be limited to the frequency and total minutes per week of physical education instruction provided to students in each grade level, and the frequency and total minutes per week of physical education provided to students who are receiving special education services or who are English-language learners.
The report would also include the number of designated full-time and part-time state certified physical education teachers providing instruction at the school, information on all designated outdoor and indoor facilities used for physical education by the school, demographic information regarding the racial and ethnic composition of the school, the total number and percentage of schools that met all state physical education instructional requirements in the prior year, the average frequency and amount of physical education provided by schools for each grade level, the total number of full-time state certified physical education instructors employed by the Department for grades K through 12, the total number of full-time staff employed at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels, the total number of part-time state certified physical education instructors employed by the Department for grades K through 12, the total number of part-time staff employed at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels, a list of all schools that share state certified physical education instructors and/or gymnasium space with other schools, a list of all schools using non-gymnasium space to provide school-day physical instruction, and a list of all schools using off-site space to provide school-day physical education instruction. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0644-2015
| * | Elizabeth S. Crowley | | | Requiring DOE to report information on physical education in NYC schools. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Education to submit to the Speaker of the New York City Council and post on the Department’s website a report regarding information on physical education in New York City schools. The report would include but not be limited to the frequency and total minutes per week of physical education instruction provided to students in each grade level, and the frequency and total minutes per week of physical education provided to students who are receiving special education services or who are English-language learners.
The report would also include the number of designated full-time and part-time state certified physical education teachers providing instruction at the school, information on all designated outdoor and indoor facilities used for physical education by the school, demographic information regarding the racial and ethnic composition of the school, the total number and percentage of schools that met all state physical education instructional requirements in the prior year, the average frequency and amount of physical education provided by schools for each grade level, the total number of full-time state certified physical education instructors employed by the Department for grades K through 12, the total number of full-time staff employed at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels, the total number of part-time state certified physical education instructors employed by the Department for grades K through 12, the total number of part-time staff employed at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels, a list of all schools that share state certified physical education instructors and/or gymnasium space with other schools, a list of all schools using non-gymnasium space to provide school-day physical instruction, and a list of all schools using off-site space to provide school-day physical education instruction. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0644-2015
| * | Elizabeth S. Crowley | | | Requiring DOE to report information on physical education in NYC schools. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Education to submit to the Speaker of the New York City Council and post on the Department’s website a report regarding information on physical education in New York City schools. The report would include but not be limited to the frequency and total minutes per week of physical education instruction provided to students in each grade level, and the frequency and total minutes per week of physical education provided to students who are receiving special education services or who are English-language learners.
The report would also include the number of designated full-time and part-time state certified physical education teachers providing instruction at the school, information on all designated outdoor and indoor facilities used for physical education by the school, demographic information regarding the racial and ethnic composition of the school, the total number and percentage of schools that met all state physical education instructional requirements in the prior year, the average frequency and amount of physical education provided by schools for each grade level, the total number of full-time state certified physical education instructors employed by the Department for grades K through 12, the total number of full-time staff employed at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels, the total number of part-time state certified physical education instructors employed by the Department for grades K through 12, the total number of part-time staff employed at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels, a list of all schools that share state certified physical education instructors and/or gymnasium space with other schools, a list of all schools using non-gymnasium space to provide school-day physical instruction, and a list of all schools using off-site space to provide school-day physical education instruction. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available